Legal Notice: Twin Flame Sketch in TwinSoul Scan COPYRIGHTED ORIGINAL PSYCHIC PRODUCT

Dear Readers

Lately I have seen in English then in German, on Instagram and Quora as well as TikTok, people promoting a copy of our original product that is copyrighted, unique worldwide and is under a registered Trademark Company and official Publisher.

The item provides a skill by psychic sight, that has been published in Books and Blog Articles with the Books already in 2012 and 2013 in detail.

Original Intellectual Property and Psychic Sketch of Twin Flame Soul Mates by Susan Elsa 2012

It is known from Television in German (Switzerland) and from Social Media and our Online Stores since 2019/2020 as well as a product for clients.



As part of the TwinSoul Scan©


Zwillingsseelen Scan©

We are urging you to help us and yourself as well as other innocent people by reporting such Fake Pages and Offers that imitate our property please and inform anyone, who looks for such a service of the original Page where you can safely purchase the original item by a scientifically researched psychic skill:


Direct Link to Item:


Thank you and have a wonderful Day

TwinEye by Mystery Garden®

Susan Elsa explains Real VS Imaginary Twin Flames Trends

Michael Jackson as Archangel Michael stepping on the Devil in Magazine Cover (Photo for educational Purpose) © ArchangelMichael777
Susan Elsa explains Twin Flame Soul Facts

Dear World

In the above video before my last Swiss-German live I do regularly for helping people, for free, on TikTok, I explain core truth about men and women, society and human weaknesses compared to rare and real Twin Flames.

Of course, truth can hurt.

But does it matter for the truth? If you like it or not? No, because that type of thinking is the first step of LIES and fantasy, adjusting “the truth to what you want it to be” not facts, and without truth, no Twin Flame inner Soul work, no progress, no chance to even unite with your Twin Flame in this lifetime IN SPIRIT ONLY, let alone in the physical world.

Truth to YOURSELF is key.

You cannot lie to a mirror. Of course, you theoretically can lie to yourself, but that distances Twin Flame energy far away from your awareness and does not help.

I also do not accept mockery of Michael Jackson. If you do not see and feel that he is the original Twin Soul, very famous and public about the TF elements and “male&female balance in the self and body outside and inside”, you are not close to any Twin Flame experience yourself and not an incarnated Twin Flame. Real Twin Flames spot our case, right away. It is clear to them, right away, without hesitation or second thought or confusion.

Fame has nothing to do with being a human, and a soul.

I don’t care how you think twisted about famous people, and especially Michael Jackson. He was a human being and is a human soul, lack of respect for that reveals only your truth.


So, now additionally, a few words from my personal experience as a woman and very masculine-connected one, that gave advice especially love advice since childhood to many, many girls and women. If you do not want to evolve, and cannot handle truth, you might want to leave now. Or learn and improve yourself by reading this.

I have noticed that many men, for example, have to learn since first talking to a girl, that rejection is a normal thing. Men handle it mostly well. They expect it. Sure, some men do not and stalk, want to rape their way to a woman, against her will, and even say horrible things like “no means really yes”. We all agree, that are sane and respectful towards other human beings limit and free will that this is not okay, and against the law. It is not a good human being, who behaves like that and usually also psychologically disturbed. I had a stalker once, who I yelled at, my head turned red. I said hard, negative things to make absolutely clear, I find him disgusting, I dont want him, I dont want contact, he needs to leave me alone and stop stalking me to my house etc daily. I was ready to fight, physically.

His reply after a long storm of words at him to stop, was: “you look beautiful in the moonlight”.

Completely delusionsal and disgusting, when a woman says no, accept it. I know therefore, what I am saying.

Now, girls are raised differently. Unfortunately, many get told to cry and use emotional pressure to “manipulate boys” from a young age on. Something I never understood. It works temporarily, if it even works. And is not based on truth.

Those things in society, how boys and girls are raised and encouraged also further when older by society, movies let’s say who say “in love, anything is allowed and ok”, make women have more of a very obvious tendency to NOT accept rejection by a man.

Women take even revenge, ruin a man’s life because he said no, accuse him falsely of rape, and all kinds of tactics to break him, because he expressed free will and said no. Men are portrayed like they “want sex with anyone”, have no type and any woman who likes a man, feels ENTITLED to have him, no matter what he thinks about it.

If a guy says no to a woman, she sits down with girlfriends, disses him, puts him there like a horrible human being who “hurt her by saying no” and make excuses, why he did so, because “IT CANNOT BE THAT A MAN REJECTS A WOMAN”. Yes, it can be and men have the SAME HUMAN RIGHTS like women do.

It is the same horrible human, who disrespects others sexual integrity and free will, if a woman doesn’t accept a man’s NO. Just like creepy men, who don’t accept a woman’s NO.


Now, looking online and on platforms like Quora, you will find in the meantime lots of women who completely like “loud chickens” have run over the topic of Twin Flames and obsess over men, who said no, and adjust “spiritual law and truth” to what they want. They say, if a man runs away from you, has ANOTHER PARTNER, wants nothing to do with you, blocks you etc. he is still HER TWIN FLAME. They project openly bad thoughts and energy, fully aware, on their spouses, or other partners they love and are with, and do not want to accept reality, at all costs.

Sometimes, they ramble on all day long, as if they have no work to do, no bills to pay, like a complete nut, making up whole book-long fantasies about these men who said no to them and how this is “a normal Twin Flame thing and means yes”.

Not ok and severe Karma-creating for these women and their actual, ignored real Male Coutnerparts who mostly are not incarnated and ignored in spirit, for worldly pleasures they seek and obsess with. Very, very bad misinformation for the masses, that I have to constantly correct and fight, and suffer in my life seeing this evil, after me and my TwinFlame were tortured with lies and falsifying truth for decades and brought the Twin Flame Soul knowledge back to this world, by hard work and DEATH.

Ususally, human beings see their Twin Flame after death, not here.

It happens very rarely here.

But these women easily sell their souls for worldly flesh pleasure obsessions and ego, and do not realize, how they behave like a devil and literally “sell their soul to the devil” that way!

So I will keep speaking up, and you can see original information since 2011 on this Blog about Twin Flames they also do not respect, nor copyright or other’s data. They keep taking from my texts and leave out my name, and adjust the original information and work by others to their fantasies.

Fake scams and psychics are rising like mushrooms from the ground to suck your money too, with such bs that destroys your life, if you give into it. Just like I warned, people suffer mentally, go nuts, suffer in health and physically, from the false information. They waste lifetimes and get harmed in the eternnal soul, because of these misinformers.

Remember your own soul, inner compass and heart. There you already know the truth, and the real TF connection never breaks, never leaves, never is silent. Like that, you cannot be fooled easilsy.

I am here whenever you need advice specific and help, even if an appointment with me can take some waiting time at the moment because I am known from TV and online works since decades and have literally tons of clients worldwide from Ireland, Italy, the USA, Australia, India and and and, crushing myself to help daily and organize my time.

Love & Light

Susan Elsa


Susan Elsa explains Twin Flame Souls in Video

Dear Readers and Spiritual Students

I am back and blogging few planned things, and singing for energetic healing of Twin Flames once again, very soon (in progress Secret Project). Yes, Music and Voice does transfer energies best and can ignite your TF Aura by just listening, so we are on that, a special TwinSoul Pop Project. Let me state clearly that we own the Copyright to this New Genre and Concept Genre since 2010 and Publisher Right.

Now, lately a lot has been posted, especially wherever I go, anonymous and lots of spammer accounts rise and try to CUT MY PUBLIC VOICE INTO NOT BEING HEARD, by spamming and taking my exact texts and twisting them to THE OPPOSITE, which I am pretty sure violates Copyright and a Company Publishing Right especially.

Check for yourself:

Insight original Quora Question and my Reply:

Why do so many twin flames think they need all this healing or to “fix” themselves to have everything all in alignment to unite with their twin flame?



It spread further by FRAUD FAKE PSYCHICS, exactly as I warned ⚠️ about YEARS AGO on my Blog, that they will jump on it and MAKE UP INFORMATION.

And remember, TwinFlame Interference, a huge real TwinFlame sign = dark entities want to mislead on purpose.

Real TwinFlames look alike, physically and are alike in everything / TWISTED AFTER ME to TwinFlames are polar OPPOSITES totally different nothing same!

Real TwinFlames meet and reunite, merge in fact, from the start, nothing fake, hurting etc / TWISTED AFTER ME AND MICHAEL JACKSON’S STORY TO TwinFlames meet, SEPARATE, RUN AWAY, INSULT, CHEAT REJECT EVERYTHING FAKE

Real TwinFlames work HARD and LONG on themselves and have preparing soulmates before Reunion – COMPLETELY ALIGNED BEFORE MEETING A TWINFLAME/ TWISTED AFTER ME TO EXACT OPPOSITE ON PURPOSE saying TwinFlames meet first and then AREN’T GOOD ENOUGH having to work on THOUSAND THINGS SO THE TWINFLAME WANTS YOU .Supposedly Soulmates fitting more than the Self, afterwards. So, KARMIC SOULMATES are sold as TwinFlames…

Real TwinFlames feel MUTUAL AND ARE A MIRROR IMAGE of each other/ TWISTED AFTER ME to TwinFlames completely disagree emotionally and are completely different and don’t feel the same

Real TwinFlames experience heavy interference when approaching, reuniting, touching, jealous others jump out, STALK, attempt rape, defame, fight lie, play games, like it’s a WAR ON YOU / Very criminally twisted AFTER ME AND MICHAEL JACKSON’S TWINFLAME STORY to yeah, THE TWINFLAME is the Stalker and rapist minded,jealous, even karmic, calling the real partner “karmic “ and openly interfering in TwinFlame situations.

Real TwinFlames exchange valuable ENERGY through SEX. Physical reality. Can’t ascend alone to “heaven “ after deaths but only together. Merge physically = sex = energy exchange. / TWISTED AFTER MY WORK to fraud psychics needs,saying MERGING IS ONE SIDED IN THE IMAGINATION, not reality, no sex, not even mutual attraction and that you can “use it and ascend alone “

Maybe now, you start understanding WHY I FIGHT AS IF FOR MY AND YOUR LIFE, since Decades and against bs fraud information TOTALLY OBVIOUS EXACTLY BASED ON MY WORK TWISTING IT TO F…ING HARM PEOPLE.

99% of cases on Quora are imagination, don’t have anyyyyy real signs but FALSE SIGNS are sold. And they interfere with real TwinFlame energy getting huge karma.

THERE WAS NO INFORMATION ONLINE about this before I published ORIGINAL WORK and found myself in a war and SAW first attempts already, warning, that took my information since they had none, and TWISTED TO OPPOSITE ON PURPOSE TO NULLIFY TWINFLAME POWER.

So, over and over and over and over again, just like with Michael, they keep LYING DAILY AND SPAMMING TO TAKE MY STORY, RIGHTS AND VOICE AWAY. With bs that harms people…then they come to me, hurting, and I must connect to the pain and help fix unnecessary aura problems from the fraudulent fake information and imitators.

If I originally connect lets say “Reiki, Kundalini Spine and Twin Flames” unique, never linked before me and my publications, it is certainly illegal to take that, use it and say THE OPPOSITE OF MY ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS about it.



All this, is original Information on Twin Flames Souls, and absolutely physical, logical points they try to wipe under the carpet and talk away with “chicken chatter everywhere”. And in fact, I was harassed few times on Quora since I am on there, for SAYING ANYTHING AND HAVING A VOICE. Can you imagine? You want to tell me this is normal behaviour, when people attack everything a person is and worked hard on to publish for decades?


Think again.

Here on this Blog, in my Books, on my ETSY Store and my Quora you will find the original information, ancient Egyptian TF teachings and the facts, truth, logic, science research back up. I don’t care anymore, I will report every copyright and publisher right manipulation and information damage as well as personal data damage on this. You are HARASSING ME with rape & stalking words added falsely to the Twin Flame conversation publicly.


The people who are sane and healthy in their soul, come to me and know what they have in me. All my clients without exception, return and trust me, love me and see my hard, precise work that as I said, convinces even science. Nobody is like me, nobody else is a TWIN FLAME PSYCHIC OR MEDIUM, and that too, I linked first ever about MYSELF AND FAMILY DATA to Twin Flames Souls and the topic in original texts, and so I will certainly take legal steps against frauds calling themselves specific

“Twin Flame Psychic” and “Twin Flame Medium” and “Twin Flame Healer” or “Twin Flame Kundalini & Reiki” etc. based on NOTHING, just because I build myself, being myself. I was harassed publicly and mocked for these things, now taken and copied.

So, if you are looking for a true, professional, as much as possible approved type pro Advisor in Twin Flame matters, I am THE ONLY ONE AND FIRST SUCH PSYCHIC/MEDIUM/EXPERT WORLDWIDE AND NOBODY IS LIKE ME. I DONT KNOW THESE NEW PEOPLE AND AM CALLING THEM OUT.

And if you don’t believe me, I don’t care man. Michael Jackson is not a joke and there is a huge, decades long info war against him. If you don’t believe me, you are dumb. Simple.

Love & Light,

Grand Rising Witch & 1st Twin Flame Medium in the World

Susan Elsa


Golden Deja from the Gold Flame Coven – Twin Flame & Soulmates Support & Readings

Dear Readers

In this special Sunday introduction article, I would like to present to you my spiritual daughter and close friend, Deja, from the Gold Flame Coven. She is a child prodigy, who has spiritual skills since childhood and youth, where she already begun training her special third eye and crown chakra (Gold Flame, therefore the name) and helped quite a few love troubled folks in her life with her special intuition.

The links to all her pages and how you can contact her, you can find here:

Her first professional spiritual counseling she started doing for other people at age 14, always having an above average clear eye for energy details and love situations. The way I got to know Deja, she was also there for me a few times, when I needed advice and felt stressed out or didn’t know how to proceed in my life. She understands the problems of much older people well, and is a new, valuable spiritual advisor for young people her age especially.

If you have seen my work, you might know about my Egyptian Grandmother’s method, I named the Bedur Method. It is a numerological form of card reading method, showing past, present and future in absolute details like a long book and takes per session/reading 1 hour. I have trained Deja in the Bedur Method and she can do readings in details for any kind of situations, where you need an overview, with details.

Love, job, health, money, all the important topics are covered all at once in the Bedur Method.

Besides that, Deja uses her own Tarot Card Decks and other methods from past life memories, that are totally her own style. I love her work and always trust in her advice myself.

You can contact Deja anytime through her Links, or ETSY Store, and she will do her best the way I know her, to support you, understand you, and also, give you honest truth, healing truth and honesty you can trust it, when she looks into your questions. I could say many more things about Deja, but I love to let you see for yourself and be positively surprised. Enjoy!

Love & Light,

Susan Elsa


Twin Flame Victory by Susan Elsa MJTWINFLAMESOUL

Dear World

Everyone of us, human beings, goes through challenges in life. Many of us struggle, short, or long, heavy or mild, but every human being finally has the same struggle, the same desires, the same wishes deep inside.

I knew that when I learned, from my Twin Soul after his passing, the precise English term “Twin Soul”. There was barely any information, any public conversation, everything was far-fetched and philosophical-spiritual, not physical. Nobody knew about real Twin Flame cases, we can see, look at, read about, compare facts between both to find the “twin” element and prove it.

By now, many people have discovered the term and the concept of Twin Flames, and that is definitely a good thing. Re-member!

That was our very first initial mission, starting like a rocket in 2010, with music vibration channeling for the mass consciousness, to “awaken in people the twin soul memory”, and I traveled to many portals all over the World, from Egypt to Bermuda (yes, tiny Bermuda at the Triangle) and opened portals for Twin Flames, to get the masses to tune in like it happened. It is literally a trend, viral, many people from young to older speak of Twin Flames, guess, search, suffer, wonder, ask and experience Twin Flame related memories coming up and few rarely actual physical encounters with the real Twin Flame.

But the spirit of love, of the Twin Flame, is always there, all encompassing and constantly there. So, picking up on it is not hard, but there are dynamics to it that make professional consulting as we offer very crucial for some people to not get entangled into a web of confusion, especially onine, and then from the mind to physical reality, manifest “absence of love”.


Love is something many people forgot what it actually means and is. This is why so many people are confused, and this is also why so many people get instantly attracted to the concept of Twin Flames. It is not far, it is inside of you. That is why, it seems always close, even if it is far, and you can project and imagine the energy into another person, which means, you are giving away your personal life force and energy.

But do not dismay. Love comes in many forms, and soulmates, which have way more internal relationships challenges and are of different, dualistic nature often, are love as well, and priceless for our soul’s growth! Nobody ever said, love is not complicated. Here, it is, on earth.

But, again, love comes in many forms, and self love is also love. Maybe the biggest kind, that always hid this secret: If you turn to yourself, and truly care, work on yourself, with love, putting effort into yourself, not just others, you get rewarded with the other half of yourself, in a physical form, ready to love you internal and external at the same time. Manifesting true love in physical form is a rare thing, but everyone wants it, searches for it. It is a natural instinct.

But do know that you cannot get ever to your Twin Flame manifested in body, without going through the self growth process and deepest reflections first. Before the energy can manifest, the energy must be ready, in you.

You never meet the real Twin Flame before being absolutely ready for union, instantly. This is why it is not possible, before being ready. But before that, you encounter soulmates that prepare you, give you a last lesson so to speak. Often, karmic relationships come before too, to be let go, concluded, so you can let that past energy go and have a free energetic road to your Twin Flame reunion and union. The Twin Flame encounter always comes last, after ALL THIS WORK.

You are lucky in fact, if your Twin Flame is even incarnated. But that too, is not the main focus and should not. The main focus should be, that having a Twin Flame in spirit, you can always be one, in union, together, bring and use the best of your shared skills! Be guided, protected, perfectly. It is a wonderful thing, and soulmate love is also wonderful and worth living and experiencing. Loving others is a skill needed to be evolved, to reunite with a Twin Flame, the self love.

You cannot love yourself, if you do not love others, and you cannot love others, if you do not love yourself.

That is how this finally works. Limiting love, is not the way to go. Love is the energy that makes all this possible. A Twin Flame love brings other soulmate lovers closer, in tune, and soulmates can help bring your energy into readiness for your Twin Flame! Both things are valuable and one should not be considered “better” than the other.


My Twin Flame has a song, named MIND IS THE MAGIC (Michael Jackson), and if you listen to it, without prejudice, and think about the deeper meaning of the message, you see how the mind is very central in everything we do and if it’s tuned wrong, it won’t come out well, if tuned in right, we can do things beyond what we thought are our limits, even physically and dance-wise, from our personal perspective, as an example.

You can chose by free will:


(Manifest that Outcome)


(Manifest that Outcome)

In my heart and very nature as a human being and soul, I have always been sensitive towards negativity and negative people or attitude, without reason. I have always been FOR positive thinking, because I know, being that sensitive to energies all my life, that as soon as you think negative, your body and health are negatively affected and weakened!

But if you think positive, your body, health and psyche and emotions as well are affected positively and others react to that vibration you “produce”.

So, trust my advice on this one, no matter what you might have read or heard elsewhere:

Always think positive about your Twin Flame, because it comes back mirroring like a boomerang on YOU, instantly. The thought you produce, the emotion with it, the focus, are the key here, central in fact.

More on this topic soon.

Thank you for taking the topic serious and opening your heart!

Love & Light,

Susan Elsa


MJTWINFLAMESOUL – Medium Skills Direct & Personal

Dear Readers

Today I am sharing a bit of insights with you, without giving away any details of course as my consulting is asbolutely discreet and personal. I protect your data, after all I habe been through myself.

Now, after starting work on Television and gaining a lot of clients at once, I built a service in which anyone can reach me, German and English, and ask me spiritual questions for pulling cards or reading directly into spiritual realms with Michael, for details on people’s Twin Flames. In every case, I hit the right spot and my work helps a lot of people, who then again recommend me in high tones to others and I gain again, more clients. The regular clients also have absolute trust in my skills, having seen over a particular period of time, that what I say is correct and happens, down the road in the future, like I said.

My Grandmother, Bedur, taught me how to read past, present and future with a method I named after her, the Bedur Method. It is becoming increasingly popular and many people prefer it, as it is absolutely the most detailed type reading with cards I have seen, lasts about 1 hour and I send all card constellations and voice message details for about 1 hour to the client – over 90% of details really take place down the road as the reading told. Even things that do not seem clear, or hopeless at times, if they show a change in the cards, the change happens, contact happens when it seems like lovers will never speak again, separations, divorce, deaths, everything I can see. But I do tend to keep it to myself, if I see a death, if spirit does not permit me to say it.

When I do this type of reading, or any reading, I look deep into things, not superficial, and I do not give vague replies, but very precise replies with details and extra time, when people book the 2 questions. Some teenagers I do often free consulting for and help them with PDFs containing exercises to boost their self-esteem and self -love. I write follow-up PDFs for client phone calls or on order, with individual exercises to strengthen exactly the weak spots, helping with relationships, self esteem and the self evolution as well as the job and career. We can talk about anything on Whatsapp and see what you need the most, and save money also, because someimes a bigger product gives you all you need, and there is no need to book again in a short time.

The individual type of focus comes from the ancient Egyptian knowledge and methods I am using, because everyone is unique and individual like their fingerprints. Dream interpretation in the spiritual sense I also do especially individual, because not all speak the same “Soul language” there.

I often send voice messages, when you have stress or a stressful moment and reach out, for free, giving you advice, reminding you of something important or calming you with techniques or breathing and positive affirmations. I am really here for you, and try to check my messages even at midnight still or 7 in the morning, because that is when people write me as well, from 6 in the morning until 2 in the morning I get messages, so anytime, with time differences, just write me and I will reply when up if it is at night, it is absolutely alright to write ANY TIME.

Through the TwinEye Portal you can pay the Quick Questions or other Products anytime with Credit Card as well, Pay Pal, Google Pay and more. Direct Wiring is also possible for more expensive products. In any way, it costs only 7 Euro, from which I do not make much, but I promised myself to keep the price low, so anyone can afford to talk to me and ask me most important questions and get that part without paying much at all.

Don’t forget to write me to What sapp your Questions afterwards and feel free to contact me on Instagram or Email if you do not use Whatsapp.




Twin Flames and the Unpopular Facts

Dear Readers

Today is a quite day in Switzerland, cold and rainy, therefore the perfect blog day. My husband is resting from work and sleeps, and I am drinking my coffee and typing for you this very important article, for your soul health.

The title of this article shows already, we are not going to talk about the popular, souoght after facts in Twin Flames, but the unpopular stuff that people often prefer to look away from, or do not even know to begin with.

Let us begin with a short list, looking into important points:

  • Twin Flames look alike (many people do not like themselves!)
  • Twin Flames are bound so much, they suffer the same and enjoy the same
  • Twin Flames are rare to historically rare
  • Your Twin Flame is not on Earth/ born/ incarnated
  • The person you think you want and like is not your Twin Flame
  • Your crush does not fit to your Twin Flame vibration
  • Twin Flames are not about Sex
  • Most Twin Flame Information is corrupt and false online (rare to find even the Info)
  • Your Twin Flame and you have karmic issues to solve which is why you cannot be together yet
  • Your Twin Flame and you messed up previous lifetimes and need patience to even incarnate together again

And so forth. Factual things, reality about Twin Flames, but people prefer the illusions pushed by fake Psychics such as:

  • Your crush is your Twin Flame (of course)
  • Twin Flames do not have to be twinlike or alike, it is your TF despite acting and being totally different
  • Twin Flames are not bound, they can separate (your crush that left could still be your TF hope)
  • Twin Flames are about intense sex and messed up love and cheating, normal relationships we know in society
  • Other people online say so
  • A psychic told me this affair, married guy I know, is my Twin Flame (sure)
  • I read about Twin Flames somewhere and suddenly had a “spiritual awarekening”
  • Your Twin Flame, OF COURSE, is here and you met yes yes it is the person you want it to be, you must work through your karma to be back together (separation phase bla bla), no need to wait for a next lifetime!
  • Sure, you can mess around and solve such problems here on Earth AFTER meeting, with other partners and breaking up, cheating and so forth…
  • You are a divine soul and totally a master, like God you are and master everything without effort, of course you are a Twin Flame, we all are, here on Earth, having two bodies, nothing special, forget about Michael Jackson and how different he was…


Let me explain something important, because I am not saying, that people are not a Twin Flame or do not have another half for their Soul. What I am saying is, you do not know, and the conversation is about incarnated Twin Flames mostly, and that does not exist in most cases and people imagine a random person being the true Twin Flame, for real.

I am very sorry, but it does not work that way and it won’t bring anything good to betray the honest, loyal inner soul relationship with your true TF if you go down that road, and look for a human definition, to re-define even everything about what a Twin Flame is. It will still be what it is!

But you will have problems, spiritually, and this is why the very reason WHY not so many Twin Flames are here yet and we are working on this goal. Honesty and patience with trust are the core keys to a Twin Flame journey, you cannot skip steps or hurry it up!


Well, honesty is in general unpopular with many, many people nowadays, in love relationships, in sexual matters, in friendships and families. In the press and Television, in Cinema and even documentaries, some, honesty is unpopular itself.

Is it a surprise, that the facts about Twin Flames were twisted and adjusted to fitting consumer feelings?

Does it have any effect on our final goal, to reunite with our Twin Flame? No.

Only with honesty it works and I will explain in detail why.

  • Honesty is not just words or thoughts it creates a particular energy
  • Honesty energy creates clarity and clear spiritual sight
  • Honesty frees the soul
  • Honesty facilitates work on the self
  • Honesty is part of a Twin Flame connection because lying is not possible when sharing a mind
  • Honesty is part of a TwinFlame journey and way of working together, because you cannot lie to the MIRROR


I see many, many people unaware but still, attempting to replace a Twin Flame. They chose literally anyone they like, once hearing of the topic, and go with it blindly without limit. Usually those people get left, suffer around alone, and experience “a separation”. That too is karmic and chosen.

If you try to replace your Twin Flame with somebody else – you are pushed AWAY from each other, because you CALL THEM “Twin Flame” but they are not – so the Univese reacts and the Divine and push what is a NON-TWIN away from each other – hence separation.

Separation is a clear sign that it is NOT your Twin Flame.

Difference is a clear sign that it is NOT your Twin Flame.

Not feeling the same and mutual towards each other – clearly NOT your Twin Flame.

Completely different personality – nothing TWIN -like. Makes no sense.

The term comes from truth, and the TWIN part is serious.

More soon,

Love & Light,

Susan Elsa

To Contact:

TwinEye Portal


This Is How Real Twin Flames Look Alike – PHYSICALLY

How To Recognize your Twin Flame or Soul Mate

SUSAN AND MICHAEL TWIN SOUL COUPLE © Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official

Dear Readers

I have 2 great articles for you this weekend, at least, while working on other stuff multitasking, TwinSoul Style. In fact, my physical energy is double, my mental focus lasts double long in time compared to the average person, and I can sleep less and have rocket-style energy still, without coffee or energy drinks.

Being a merged Twin Flame is a wonderful experience, despite the dualistic treatment on earth, some people love me, others hate me, and I can’t do anything about it. But facts are facts, and there you go with some simple overview, to help you if you are new to this spiritual journey, to yourself.


It is definitely worth it, to search through the ARCHANGELMICHAEL777 Library of Articles, where you can literally find original Gems of Information on everything important, and growing, since 2011.

But this one is recommended:

Twin Flame Soul Mate PRE -EXPERIENCES to BECOME READY for Reuniting with Other Half Copyright Susan Elsa & MGP Publishing Switzerland 1999-2014

I remember when I was IN CONTACT with my Soul Mate, that looked coincidently and realistically like Elvis Presley’s twin brother, that back then I was CONVINCED he is “the One”. We had the telepathy, we would even wake up at night at the same time, going to the restroom or just wake up, and text each other and be amazed. Once he thought, there is something wrong because he could not believe how I knew what he was doing, without him telling me on purpose to test it. But I knew, and texted him intuitively.

Ok, I am special in those psychic things. I was born a medium and always naturally knew how to do those things, but I did not do anything, it was the connection that enabled the inner knowing of thoughts, partially. Other than those points, we talked daily, about everything, nobody knew that much about me like him. But, we also argued a lot, he hurt me a lot, and was literally afraid of the connection and the intensity, forming a back and forth type relationship.

It never really was a real relationship, but I was totally unexperienced. At one point, after 4.5 years he cut contact overnight, and I suffered over a year over this no communication suddenly, my heart was broken, I had no explanation, nothing, just, cut, as if someone died.

A year later, I was back in Switzerland for vacation, tried to surprise him at work for his Birthday and had a present, he came down, saw me through the glass, turned around and walked away through the back entrance- bam, gone! He left work early, and ran away!

UNDERSTAND, that this happens with Soul Mates, only!

Those things do not happen with a Twin Flame!

Now, after all this, I let it go at some point, threw everything, letters, presents, away from him in the trash behind my LA Appartment. After letting it go, feeling physically exhausted and strange, almost sick, everything got better and the following year, in 2007, I met my Twin Flame!

I thought back and knew, ok, that guy was just a soulmate, THIS is DIFFERENT! No misunderstandings, no different thinking and arguing, no rejection, no fear, perfect open communication, understanding, love in ways that make you feel absolutely safe and you know, this love will always stay. I can’t describe the difference any clearer.

The telepathy and inner connection was different as well, in synch, and much more intense than with the previous preparing Soulmate, so that I knew, only with this Person THIS is possible, with no one else did I ever experience BEING THE SAME IN ALL WAYS.

So much, me and Michael talked in LA, our second meeting at my place, and his soulmate had talked with him on the phone in 2005 around summer, a last time, being cold, while he cried, and I was shocked, as my soulmate and I also talked the last time on the phone in summer 2005, he was identically to her COLD and I was CRYING.

This was a special moment for me and Michael, all those unbelievable parallels.

And that is short and simple, the difference, easy to differentiate.

If someone:

  1. Runs away from you and the connection
  2. Doesn’t think exactly IDENTICALLY like you
  3. Doesn’t communicate
  4. Doesn’t come through in dreams and awake communication between Heart Chakras and Mind, constantly
  5. Wants another love partner or has another love interest
  6. Cheats
  7. Leaves
  8. Cuts contact
  9. “separates”
  10. Ignites FEAR in you and suffering
  11. Looks totally different, different eye color, different body shape, different facial structure

IT IS NOT YOUR TWIN FLAME. It is a SOUL MATE, of which you have many of different resonance degrees. You should walk away, not chase, when you are not wanted! Have some self respect, dear Readers! You will be rewarded then with the real TF

If someone:

  1. Runs towards the relationship and wants you like no one else ever did
  2. Thinks IDENTICAL to you sharing the SAME MIND
  3. Communicates in different ways including verbal, always
  4. Always pops up in your Dreams naturally, sends waves to your heart and mind, constantly
  5. Wants only you and looks for you all their life
  6. Is loyal unlike any other relationship in life
  7. Stays
  8. Nurtures the Contact even beyond death (!)
  9. MERGES with you
  10. Removes your Fears and suffering
  11. Looks like a Twin sibling, similar to identical facial features, body shape, eyes, eye color etc…

You have a good chance that this is your Twin Flame counterpart, really in front of you in the flesh, but being the SAME SOUL. A physical likeness and similarity is a must, when merging, it proves undeniably that the two ARE ONE and the SAME SOUL appears in a SIMILAR APPEARANCE. Only with real Twin Flames.

More on this coming soon.

I will keep this article simple for now.

Love & Light,

Susan Elsa


Twin Flame Reunion & Union – The Facts

Twin Flame Union and Reunion Facts


Dear Readers

Today on this multilingual Blog, again an English article and a very helpful and important one.

So much is being talked nowadays, as a trend, about Twin Flame Souls. But the facts are left out of the sight field, and this is not a good third eye focus, nor helpful. Truth is an ENERGY, and that helps, only. It’s an integral part of our self and how we handle internal dynamics, without honesty, the whole process is falsified and brings you no good result.

In the above image, you see a depiction of Osiris, the first ever Twin Flame story on Earth. To be precise, the first Twin Flame knowledge, spoken not written down much, came from this couple a long, long time ago. IsIs is the one who was here afterwards and taught about it, through personal difficult experience. We know today only about it, when it…

View original post 1,241 more words

11-11 Twin Flame Portal Explained

Dear Reader

Today this Blog is turning 11 and we are celebrating the first specialized Twin Flame Souls Blog in the World!

The perfect moment in time to explain the widely discussed and very important 11-11 numerology and what it actually means, not just symbology wise, but also tangible as we worked with it since 2011. That reveals already that it is in fact a Twin Flame number and shows up for many people often, to guide them spiritually.

The Angels (ArchangelMichael777) are also involved. They guide and protect Twin Flames.

I see in the meantime so many people discuss the Twin Flame topic, the journey, the challenges and strange completely false information that has been handed around by non-Twins who are obviously not seeing spiritually their own soul in clarity. Let us not assume it is on purpose. But does this change the outcome?

11-11-11 A Special Portal

On the 11th November 2011 this Blog was officially launched and opened that day. Why did we chose this date? How did this come about? The 11 does not show up like this for a hundred years. These types of things are synchronicity by the Universe and cannot be influenced or manipulated by human beings. The very time I incarnated in, was chosen by plan and has a meaning, for me to be able to even open a Blog on 11-11-11. Many factors play here a role and it shows, clearly in action, who we are.

Now, 11-11-11 was a special portal, energetically and spiritually, for the Twin Flame MEMORY rising. Our work is to bring more and more of that energy, through the portal so to speak, to all of you, to ignite memory on a spiritual level and recognition of your other half, your Twin Flame.

I understand, that people, typical human beings, would grab the whole thing and run away with it, trying to explain it the way they see fit. But it does not help when it comes to Twin Flames and honesty is key in evolution, especially in these matters involving the soul and higher dimensions and their rules, no cheating possible!

And so we learn that to receive energy from these portals, that open up stronlgy on certain dates, such as 11-11-11, and now, 11-11-22, we must stay pure and honest especially. Work on yourself, and mean it. Don’t fool yourself, mean it, do it, take the hard way, confront yourself, your mirror, your weaknesses, your fears, strengths and beauty – this is how you use the energy actively and constructively.

There is more.

  1. Meditation helps to take the energy in on these portal days
  2. Writing down thoughts and staying aware
  3. Formulating/training your mind to positive thought, not negative
  4. Twin Flame multi-dimensional communication being much stronger and clearer
  5. Working with your Twin Flame for higher purposes
  6. Channeling energies for yourself or humanity & the planet
  7. Ascension work for your Body of Light

All these important pillar points are to be worked on if you want to evolve with your Twin Flame. The Body of Light usually comes in after physical death/transition, but since 2011, we have that opportunity to activate it on Earth already and enjoy better health, stronger physical energy, sexual energy, mind energy and more benefits.

Of course, you can find anything on the Internet, from knowledge, to jokes, to serious fraud and crime to wonderful unique people you might not meet in real life that fast. You can communicate with everyone, worldwide, much easier in the time we are in. Which makes the messages travel faster and further, when it comes to our specific mission to bring Twin Flame knowledge back. This is the core reason why Michael had the life he had, having no privacy, while I have pretty much total privacy on the other hand. Not hard to guess, he would never want me to experience such a thing like my privacy being removed, and this shows you in the EXPERIENCE itself, the different and completing experiences male and female Twin Flame counterparts can make, to protect the shared soul for example, from too much of the same negative experience. He did not have a childhood, I did, and brought him internally his childhood back. But he was attacked for everything somehow, having to do with me and the Twin Flame journey.

That alone should ring a bell for you, dear reader. Why and what is the reason behind the ongoing war on Michael Jackson?

What if it is because he showed Twin Flame truth on the stage and aired it out loudly?


That is the question we should be asking. Knowing how difficult it is, and how evolved a soul must be to handle such an experience, can it even be that there are many, many Twin Flames as the online discussions might make you think? Or are people misguided and in the process still, some, to re-connect their inner elements and therefore, work towards a Twin Flame reunion but ain’t there yet?

Are there many experts on Twin Flames, like the authors and teachers that popped up, suddenly and without history into the subject?

Is the Twin Flame phenomenon real or not? Is it possible, or does it work in ways more understandable for humans?

The truth is, it does work differently than anything you know on Earth. It is possible and it did happen to me, for example, and to a few others I know, but most cases and stories I see online, are illusion projected onto a person, a mere fantasy of Twin Flames and projecting unawarely weaknesses and fears onto the own soul, which is not helpful or part of the Twin Flame process, not after a meeting.

The story we carry, me and Michael, is unique, like every Twin Flame story would be on Earth, when we see both halves of the same soul in two bodies incarnated. It is not widespread, nor is it common. The discussion is empty, going into no direction and into the air at the moment.

People are looking for the next likable person to be “their Twin Flame” when it is far away from what it even is. People missed the message, and are listening to the interference voices, selling them even abusers as their TF! People ignore the real Twin Flame, most people have that in spirit with them, not somewhere in a physical body on Earth!

I say it again: Most people’s Twin Flames are in spirit, the spiritual body, like a spirit, a ghost, with them. Not born. This is where you have to start working on yourself, your skills, intuition, self love without external physics, and then you manifest it, not the opposite. This process cannot be turned to the opposite!

This is where we come back, once again, to the 11-11 Portal, and what it means. It is a high angelic numerology pointing at ascension, ascended minds and spiritual level dimensional thinking, not earthly. It is about overcoming all that and understanding the core of who we are and what the universe is. It is beyond 10, which symbolized completion. Beyond completion. So, do be careful over-obessing over numbers and seeing in every 11s a meaning. It’s suble, and not daily and not obsessive, maybe 2-3 times, when such numbers are moved into your sight for a message/sign.

Sign as in pointer showing you the way, through the angels.

If you truly get into a Twin Flame experience, you will learn on this journey especially how to overcome yourself and duality itself. That is why it is also named Dual-Soul in German, as in double, two halves.


No matter how much many people might push this man away and his story, not understand it, not ackowledge us and our bringing back of the Twin Flame memory to people, it won’t change the fact that it reveals, not just to us and people, but to the spiritual world that you are not an incarnated TWIN- Flame Soul and have no access to the consciousness to understand anything.

Understanding, finally after all that happened, Michael Jackson’s efforts in life and work, to bring across the biggest Twin Flame message ever and FIRST, is a must in order to even prove to the spiritual World that you have basic respect for Twin Flames, that you SEE IT. You have to understand and see the message, before you can talk about an own TF experience and even teach others.

It cannot be jumped or skipped, this step. It’s in the mass karma anchored.

Mass karma from everything done to Michael, from the first inner rejection energy even it begins, even if 20 years ago. We are the gate keepers.

Try to understand us, a real Twin Flame couple, looking for respect since decades and show respect for my work and life purpose, my story, and then we can let you into the Twin-Light Zone. Other than that, the portal is not letting everyone walk in. It is not even solely in our hands then and you will have to deal with Anubis, if you try to sneak in or pass without the requirements.

Welcome to the Twin Flame Portal!

Love & Light,

Susan Elsa & Michael Jackson in Spirit


This short online literary work is published by MGP Publishing, Zürich – Switzerland

Michael Jackson About Twin Flames Trend & More Updates © Susan Elsa MJTWINFLAMESOUL

Dear Reader

Today we have a special article for you. Long have we blogged and published, and now the time has come to take a look back and assess certain aspects and remind of particular prophecies made on this very blog.

I have been completing my merging with Michael and gotten more quite, also because I am very busy working daily to help people seeking me out for my psychic gifts and unique ancient Egyptian skills.

But all that does not matter and did not matter much, when it comes to the very things that Twin Flames fought for millenias to come back. Those things will keep up a guard, a wall, and they will keep fighting the truth about Twin Flame Souls, now that the word is out.

The word is out. (Citation Michael Jackson BAD lyrics)

Let me show you first a list of blog articles I published in the past, up to 10 years ago, in which I have foretold of the current, very confused and interfered with Twin Flame discussion in the public.

“FALSE TWIN FLAMES” – Do Not Exist: Either You ARE or you ARE NOT © Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official


Archangel Michael about the self-proclaimed “Gold Ray Twin Flames” Mel & Nicole and Other FAKE Examples Online © ArchangelMichael777


Twin Flame Interferences and resonating SOULMATES Interferences *Spiritual Energy Article* © Susan Elsa – Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official


Twin Flames: Separation Illusion in Two Bodies sharing One Soul


You can find a whole library of information, facts, personal data for the sole purpose of fullfilling my life purpose and teaching, as well as many, many articles calling out live at the first movement and breath any fakes who came in AFTERWARDS and interfere. The things I have discovered recently on QUORA, are simply not acceptable. So please excuse my language, but this article will be direct.

In the above examples from past articles, you can see one from 2016 in which I warn explicitly of Mel Brand and Nicole Hibbs, an early couple that popped out suddenly after us, posing like teachers for Twin Flames and calling themselves a TF couple, not having any signs of a Twin Flame physically and otherwise.

I remember, and I have said so and showed covers, stories, examples over and over, Jean Cline and George Reeves case and book, Twin Souls Merging, a Psychological and Spiritual Journey written with Psychologist Gary Duncan. THAT is a real other case, the only one I could really get an idea from what was happening to me back then, and there were no other cases. Point.

No other cases.

No other celebrity involving type cases about Twin Flames.

None of that.

Yes, George Reeves is a celebrity as well, and that is why I liked the case, it helped me understand my situation and confirm physical metamorphose procedures that were happening to me. But the book was only available in English, local, limited, unknown. I googled and found it in 2010, specifically.

Now, in 2022…

There are whole groups who talk about being a “Celebrity Twin Flame” making it a category for all to join as they like. It does not work that way!

Now, there are thousands of claims by nameless people online, about how they are in touch with their Twin Flame, lists of stages and signs are being handed around with completely illogical false information, as if someone out there wants to feed you poison, to avoid that you find your true Twin Flame INSIDE and your power.


I was born a medium, a psychic like my Grandmother and always have been that way. In my case, it is so strong and healthy, I became early on in my life a science case for paranormal research and extraordinary brain research. You can look through my blog and find writings, where I say it is not much possible for another person to know ANYTHING about your Twin Flame, because usually others cannot see into it.

I needed 10 years of merging with my Twin Flame after he passed away, and is INSIDE THE SPIRITUAL SOURCE WORLD, to see any information about your souls. Since 2019 I am working on TV, Online Lives and privately discreetely for Clients and I have many, returning over and over for my quality service.

Every day I look into people’s spiritual energy, problems, love life and Twin Flame situation and the future, in details. The details, random and cannot be made up, happen after my readings and the Clients tell me in awe in my Whatsapp Business Chat.

Add to that the work done prior for decades, born already with spiritual skills, and add to that my Twin Flame’s work on himself decades prior as well and you will know what is needed to BEGIN counseling, consulting, reading anything for others regarding the rare Twin Flame topic.

It goes from you, to him/her, to soulmates, to inner factors, to exes and love life experience, to health and eating habits, everything comes into play in a complex big picture that I can only see and literally zoom into because Michael can and delivers me his Eye, on top of my spiritual Eye and physical Eye, and so I can see MULTI-DIMENSIONAL.

My brand for the spiritual is named Twin-Eye, guess why.

It is a specific Twin Flame Eye I activated, and from what I know tangibly and provably, I am the only such Medium worldwide and never heard of any Mediums or Psychics even KNOWING of the topic, let alone able to perform actively any help for it.


I have seen many people online talk until their fingers from typing and their mouth fall off almost. People obsessing over the Twin Flame topic, searching it everywhere, in any man/woman they like and others who are wildly making up things about Twin Flames as if on purpose.

Wild claims about magic, being psychic and a Twin Flame, past life memories and methods claims to bring memories back, crumbles left of the original conversation and my personal story and data which is UNIQUE in my case and published years prior. Nobody, including Jean Cline, ever spoke of psychic gifts or magic or magic methods or Kundalini Chakra Reiki stuff before me, and it is specific like fingerprints my Person and personality and the truth will prevail.

So, all calm, let us look at what it brings to people if you follow the falsified teachings. Lies are that, lies, and lying to yourself is against Twin Flame energy and awareness, it pushes away and does not pull together a merging between both halves.

People can sit there all day long, weeks, months and years fixating on that they know by reading and other wild claims online that they are a Twin Flame “in union, on the journey, in separation” and all this nonsense especially the last one, all that won’t change the fact.

  • Many lonely women online fantasize about unavailable men naming them their Twin Flame
  • Cheating, Breaking Up and Separation is not a Twin Flame experience!
  • Much less creepy men online fantasize about women they can’t have calling them their TF
  • Illusion and Delusion is not Action or Growth
  • Psychics are known since the beginning of time to make up stuff, put on a show to get your money
  • Fake Psychics and Teachers adjust to your story details, tell you what you want to hear even if it harms you, encourage abusive love to go on, cash in on it
  • Women telling each other make-believe stuff about guys they believe must be their TF, but ignores them, so they spend the time making up scenarios rather than LIVING
  • Women stalking men who do not respect them even, let alone love or want them
  • Men stalking women, using the tag TF as an excuse
  • Working on the Self needs HONESTY
  • Lying to yourself – you are far away from doing real work on yourself
  • Believing that a person that left you or cheated is your TF, reveals how you think about yourself and why your TF is not incarnated with you
  • Self Love = Key to Twin Flame Incarnation
  • Reunion (Meeting) = Metamorphose = Merging (ongoing process without break)

If you are not, you are not.

If the person you fixate on is not your Twin Flame, it simply is not and will never be and cannot become your Twin Flame.

If you follow Psychics who claim things you like hearing, not the truth, you will suffer in the end, misguided and your energy worked in the wrong direction with your evolution steps in life, life time wasted. What you think, you become. Do not underestimate the damage false teachings can have on your very soul.

Long have I talked, and since a while I have been focused on German language work here in my home country Switzerland, helping young women, men, older women and men, business people with my skills and different products additionally whenever needed. I would like to invite you as well from around the World to come anytime and ask me 2 Questions for just 7 bucks, detailed like no other.

TwinEye Etsy Story Link

If you want to be successful in your Twin Flame journey, if you want the truth really and are really ready spiritually, you will know that I am the only teacher and medium that can support and accompany you. You must walk your path, but I am here to back you up and bring you on the way, wheneder needed.

Contact me any time on Whatsapp Business:

+41 (0)79 511 67 12

Before we finish, a little advice list from my heart to your mind to internalize:

  • Have confidence
  • Love yourself
  • Pay attention to details
  • Demand to be treated good if you treat a man/woman good too
  • Respect yourself
  • Expect good things, you deserve real love
  • You deserve to be loved
  • You are lovable
  • Your Twin Flame always loves you and never stops
True Twin Flame Pop by Michael Jackson

Love & Light,

Susan Elsa


Twin Flames: Separation Illusion in Two Bodies sharing One Soul

Separation does not exist in Twin Flame Reality


Dear World

Today I will write an English Article for you, international readers, on my mostly German Swiss Blog. So, this is my Dual-Language Blog.

And we already get to an interesting point, for which why I do this all:



Dual-Soul (in German they call Twin Flames also Dual-Seele)

But not in English.

How come?

Let’s take a look first at the term DUAL and what it’s definition is:

Googling “Dual Meaning” you can see it right away below

Or also here is more confirming the same meaning

Original Source:

So now, we know for sure, that in the German Language a term exists about Twin Flames/Twin Souls, that defines further that it’s all about TWO HALVES, two parts, two beings, not less, not more.

I have been one of the first, besides actually 2 others only, to even KNOW DETAILS of Twin Flame Experience, publishing it…

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Susan Elsa and Michael Jackson- Modern day Spiritual Messengers – Guest Article by Renuka

Susan Elsa and Michael Jackson- Modern day Spiritual Messengers

The subject of man and woman has always been an area of never ending exploration since history. We as beings haven’t really gotten to know ourselves well enough though we have travelled the cosmos through science. Self exploration looks like the most left out topic of our lives. The energy system that makes us, female and male is the most intriguing subject in recent times. India, the land of Radha Krishna, Sita Ram (Seeyaram) , Shiva Parvati. (Ardhanarishwar) represent the epitome of the union of feminine and masculine energies. Masculine and Feminine energy as opposed to biological gender is the core of who we are. Radha Krishna being married to Anay and Rukmini respectively were divinely united as energy systems.  (union of Ida and pingala).

As children we have always heard in India, “there is someone out there made for ONLY you.” The countless (poojas) girls do to get the ideal husband, or our very favourite BOLLYWOOD making movie after movie on finding that one true love. Also the concept of arranged marriage systems in India where the emphasis is on one husband and one wife for the entire life has an underlying reference to the ULTIMATE man and woman or the divine feminine and the divine masculine energies. We were never told that each GIRL out there can be a RADHA and each MAN out there can be a KRISHNA and are not bestowed upon just a select few but our lying dormant in each one of us waiting to be explored.

We have always known Lord Krishna as the great guide to Arjuna in the Mahabharata. His war and administrative skills have been the area of implementation in modern times. But Krishna the lover is very limited to the heartland of India in the form of festivals. He was actually the messenger of spiritual love to humanity but the kings present at that time chose war hence his message was buried deep in the warzone of kurukshetra. The story of Krishna and Radha being the complete man and woman need to resurface for the present generation for understanding the opposite gender and seek more depth in their relationships.  These complete souls can light the planet and set an example for all of us to follow our hearts than our heads. The story of who WE are lies in the US of man and woman. Attachment in the form of love is limited and has an inherent urge to go deeper in its format.

I sometimes feel as a modern day woman that is it possible today to dig deeper with the material waves of distraction, personal ambitions and goals to actually breathe and dig deeper? With men and women pitted against each other can we actually unite? I guess that is the only thing LEFT TO DO.  As usual the same question,” Whom should we look up to?” Do we have anyone as known as Radha Krishna. If we explore our recent times correctly we do have one such example in front of us and that is none other than Michael Jackson. A messenger of spiritual love with his divine counterpart Susan Elsa has once again brought in front of us a beautiful union of divine feminine and divine masculine. The divine feminine being amongst us on Earth today is attempting to spread the message to the WHOLE WORLD. She along with Michael in spirit have once again made us look within ourselves and made us REMEMBER WHO WE ARE. They are the divine union Michael was trying to portray on stage radiating love towards all of us. The only famous guy who, only because of the divine merging process attracted all our attention towards him.  He represents the modern day Lord Krishna (in spirit now) and Susan represents Radha very much amongst us helping us see our very own Krishnas and Radhas.  Love without art is rarely known so as Krishna played the flute in the east we have Michael (dancing his way to our hearts) in the west. Krishna was always called (chittchor) in India, meaning; Capturer of attention/dhyan/focus/grabs your mind. He pushes one to keep his mind away and connect more with the heart. The whole of Gokul left their work just to hear him play his flute. The women always were captivated by his presence drawing in their feminine energies and now Michael enthralled all women and men equally tapping into their divine masculine and feminine energies. He still is helping humanity raise its mass consciousness so that maybe we just look up from our phones and look at the sky 😉

While we STILL are busy exploring the cosmos through science, maybe just maybe we should come home and finally explore our own divinity instead of seeking anything on the outside. Maybe it never was man versus woman it was always Man and Woman. It never was complete man on the outside; it was always complete man and woman on the inside. Maybe this time we don’t disappoint Lord Krishna through our choice of war over love and uplift humanity like never before.

Learning about magic of love from Susan and Michael,



Guest Author Renuka

Susan Elsa DANGEROUS EYES – by Michael Jacksons TwinFlame Soul Official

Dear Readers

Here is a recent video with the Pharaonic Eyeliner Product from my Company, making vegan and natural, healthy Beauty stuff in Switzerland. Remember the Time?

Michael Jackson had PITCH BLACK Eyes really, but he used Photoshop Methods to get a particular Color on, a firey brown-reddish-tone.

Now you know why.

Michael Jacksons DANGEROUS Cover Eye Color Photoshop Lenses Facts

Susan Elsa: Making Decision at 4 AM to MERGE MORE with TwinFlame Soul to save my Life approaching 50 © Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official

Dear World

I would like to update you on my decision, giving into Michael’s idea and trusting him fully. I intend to survive 50, I am 40 now.

Nature Walks & Channeling Michael physically – no Make Up or Prep or Dancefloor by Susan Elsa

Susan Elsa & Michael Jackson – A TwinFlame Soul in Action and Reality

In the above video snippets, you can see the merging physically just with your eyes. The internal stuff ain’t visible and I do not have a lot of people to trust intimately, and especially with Challenges regarding my Merging with Michael.

I would like to thank from my Heart my Friend, Amber, for being there in a dire moment and encouraging me.

Sending you all much Love & Light,

Susan Elsa

Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official


TwinFlame Souls & Soul Mates © Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official/ Susan Elsa

Dear World

Today I have an important article for you, like I have not been really focusing on for the past few years. I basically had private things going on and took a long, long 2-3 years pause from blogging really, except few posts at times, in 2017.

I have not even seen certain things going around, horrible copycat moves against my company and lies to fool you, but I won’t even mention it just go continue my work the same way I have been doing many years and let my lawyers clear things for my Company directly at the American Copyright Office.

The word combination “TwinFlame Soul” is a combination I invented and it’s Copyright belongs to me, it’s my public Blog Signature put in many Images for Cover Photos of Articles, and someone took it to turn it into a Nonsense Book Title and keep stalking and harassing me. Can you imagine?

Finally, these things hurt YOU, not me. I know the truth. I have seen all the confusion rising, after I was first talking about Twin Flames /Twin Souls since 2010 copyrighted public official, and combined things these two into “TwinFlame Soul”. The term SOUL MATE is a whole other, DIFFERENT THING.

I will explain, and please keep your eyes open for any plagiarism with my new texts and let me know, since I do not look, especially not trying to conceive, I ain’t looking at devilish, rapey shit by insane religious people who want to own and control Michael Jackson’s TwinFlame Soul Data and mine with it, illegal. Crazy people.

But that too is part of it, as the energy brings people who HAVE A DISTANCE WITHIN THEIR SOUL (TWIN HALVES) into a jealousy rage, and they attack, they stalk, they lie to fight your truth and MY FACE EVEN, but hey, lol, I am still here and I am still telling the truth.

No Judaism, Christianity or any of that MENTIONS Twin Flame Soul Information, it is CENSORED. Stay alert, witch hunts are still happening today.

I have people of the same type, who on TV saw me, and imitated my Twin Flame Soul Expertise in made up words to clients, rich clients with Celebrity Background, and it came out and I stood up for my clients and left the TV Show over it! I left my JOB OVER OTHERS TRYING TO HARM AND DAMAGE SOULS BY USING THE TOPIC FALSELY, HAVING NO CONNECTION TO OR MEMORY OF IT, FOR MONEY THEY DO THIS ATTEMPT!

So, dear Readers, you know me and my soul, I must speak up and protect you. My current books since have been TEACHING, educational Books, not personal, but there will be a second Book of mine sometimes in English too, but first here in German as they have waited long. I am German language Native and am writing my full Story for my people here, my home country Switzerland.

Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official – Copyrighted 2010/2012

I have just received a phone call from a long years client, who has told me, how the TV folks are still doing “Twin Flame Consulting” as I left, threatening with a lawsuit and such, keeping true to the truth. It’s all about the cash for such people, image, fake respect and rewards, who do not matter finally, because inside they know it’s untrue and feel the curse on their love lives.

Yes, that is a big part here so now, after a heated introduction, lemme get into the topic.


Soul Mates are like the word defines with all inner images that come with it, MATES OF A SOUL. I say mates, because like in life, you CAN be in a temporary relationship with different people, make experiences, grow and then find the right one, right?

Soul Mates come in many different Nuances, like very similar in thinking, or some Chakras vibing intense together like heart, or sexually focused, some connections seem very “pain loaded and disrupted”, and other’s can feel confusing similar to a Twin Soul Connection.


Because it is YOU, your soul involved right, that is going into a relationship with a MATE OF YOUR SOUL, you mate, you become partners, 2 different Souls having a relationship. The better they fit to your soul vibe, like the ancient Egyptians knew, the better it is for the longlasting effect, growth and having children together.

Soul Mates can leave, they can run away, they can be not aligned with you. A Twin Flame cannot, you are at all times, under all attacks, and all circumstances always remaining ONE. Look at my case.

If I shut up and went to live in the Swiss Mountains alone away from society and hid away, I would still be Michael Jackson’s Twin Flame and be my own Soul and be myself, and keep merging and feeling and hearing psychically the words talked out there about us…

Now let’s switch and compare the TWIN FLAME SOUL.


You do not HAVE a Twin Flame or find it, it is INSIDE YOUR OWN SOUL. The other half of your Self.

It is not really a different person and that is the difference, it is NOT a relationship/mating with ANOTHER SOUL, like in “Soul Mate”, it is INTERNAL IN YOUR OWN SOUL.

Rarely does it manifest in physical realms and you meet your SELF in another body, male/female.


And it shows clearly and sensationally physically, which is why my Twin Flame of my SOUL had to suffer, look:

Michael Jackson's Miracle for his Twin Soul Susan Elsa *Special World Article* © ArchangelMichael777
Michael Jackson’s Miracle for his Twin Soul Susan Elsa *Special World Article* © ArchangelMichael777
Susan Elsa turning into Mirror Image of Michael Jackson and Vise Versa TwinFlame Soul Truth in Physical Reality
Susan Elsa channels Michael Jackson Live in Egypt Spontaneous Stage Performance
Susan Elsa looking like Michael Jackson Naturally at the Same Age Twin Flame Soul Merging Truth 2021

Divine Truth in motion this is.

Not photoshop, never any faking or posing, just plain maybe at times aggressive truth, aggressive in the MJ energy I shared, not knowing yet how to handle it in the past. Now I do, I am woman and man inside, my soul is COMPLETE.

I had to fight for my private space and energy to merge, and it was made most difficult, but I survived and overcame it and now I am helping others along the way, together with Michael, literally, my left hand is his energy, my right hand my energy, MERGED IN ONE BODY.

I merge other Twin Flames now, by pure touch on your Aura.

By word, singing or talking to you, and meeting, every client yet felt a PHYSICAL TOUCH OF THEIR TWIN FLAME with me and Michael present physically, bam, bridging Heaven and Earth like I promised.

I promised you all, and I made it happen.


Soul Mates can “break up” the relationship, which is external. But BEING A TWIN FLAME INSIDE OF YOUR SOUL, you cannot split this, you cannot leave your self, you cannot be someone else, this is a basic core not to be messed with.

If you find the courage to face this, then you are beginning to handle THE KEY TO HEAVEN, ETERNAL LIFE, the right angle to approach your Twin Flame. Work on yourself. Not fixating outside, but inside!

All happens for a reason, and I guess I had to see all the shit Twin Flames have to handle on Earth, to become the MAESTRA IN ACTION.

I A.M.

Susan Elsa

Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official


Copyrighted Words by MGP Publishing

Michael Jackson’s TwinFlame Soul in Action: 1st Twin Flames /Dual Souls Expert on TV Blogs Music WORLD EXCLUSIVE © Susan Elsa Official 2010-2022

Dear World

Today I am on my work day for my Company, the Beauty Products by Mystery Garden™ (Registered Trademark of my Company) as well as the Spiritual Brand named TwinEye more and more People are relying on in Switzerland and Germany and so forth.

The loyal readers of this Blog have known for years that this is coming. But to be honest, I wasn’t ready back in the day, I was very protective of myself after the traumatic poisoning in LA and Michael’s passing, it killed me half.

I had to resurrect myself in many ways, had to keep to myself for years during the sensitive transition, the sensitive stages of the Twin Soul Merging, which affects my Body as well, not just my Appearance, Mental State, Emotional, Memories and all that internal personal stuff.

I do REMEMBER Michael’s Memories by now…free flow. I am him and me at the same time, and I have to live with the feeling of being hated and wanted dead by many, due to the huge ongoing lies about Michael Jackson – it hits ME now, it causes effects of a false accusation in my Psyche and sleep stress and thoughts waking me up at times.

I knew it will be hard, but I also knew, I can’t stop BEING MYSELF, or exchance my soul obviously, so I am who I am and I must deal with it, because it’s my ONLY CHOICE.

See, when me and Michael decided to go public with this, it was mainly about our mission, to remind YOU ALL of YOUR OTHER HALVES, but it was also a form of TRUTH AND DATA PROTECTION, as many people literally in my personal Susan Experience as well since I can remember, hate me, bully me, want me to LOSE things, to suffer, ENJOY watching me suffer or wish me to die in front of them like it’s a Show.

The same shit Michael experienced. Imagine, having to master this one!

I did not know how, I almost got lost in anger cycles over the abuse and injustice, suffering healthwise from it, just like Michael. The negative health conditions he endured in the same age I am in now, just swapped over at my Body, also due to the ATTACKS ON US CONSTANTLY.

I was being mummified alive…my skin was so dry it would hurt, peel like dust skin particles on top. My feet look horrible, like I am connected to corpse…so I made products, 100% natural, soft like silk, perfect products, an ancient Egyptian Skincare Line.

It regenerates even skin suffering from Dermatitis!

Mystery Garden™ Client Tests & Documentations Summer 2022

Blue X INTENSE (Skincare Cream): Client with Dermatitis, 5 Day Result! 100% Natural, no Alcohol or Conservation Ingredients!

And for the first time, I will show you my actual feet, who have been suffering big time like I never seen them before 2009, after 2009, through the TwinFlame Soul Merging with Michael Jackson, and the attacks on my Person triggering the same exact effects on me that Michael had.

But in 3 applications, they are healing already, through the ancient Egyptian BLUE LOTUS Formula I created myself, with my own hands and past life memory.

I really had to overcome my embarassement to show my feet, but I am doing it gladly for my Brand which is real good and worth it, and hey, in the end of the 14 Day Test on my Feet, documenting it as well just like Clients do for us, I will have regenerated, nice feet again.

For anyone that thinks, its a joke or whatever fantasies, to be Michael Jackson’s Twin Flame Soul, take a good look at my feet, with no doing from my side, from a very female looking, healthy Girl, to these sudden effects through the Twin Flame Soul Merging with Michael, and I am fighting those things with intelligence and his advice.

I do not work out or tour until dehydration, I do not dance that hard actually it is just a merging that gives me mental focus on the moves in dance through Michael, I do have a special place I live in which totally is dry and causes this, and I had no money to move the recent years, due to the copying, plagiarism, defamation and libel war on me, being Michael’s Twin Flame Soul, OBVIOUSLY, here too the same jealousy and interference with hate manifested, AS PART OF THE COMPLETE MERGING. That was the most difficult, emotionally and spiritually, to handle, it made me almost go nuts over the abuse in full public, I am not used to it. I have been a private and shy, protected Girl before going public with my Company (2008) and TwinSoul Pop (Birthed in 2010 – Channeled Music Genre with Michael in Spirit working and singing together as a Twin Flame Soul).

My Name is Susan, and you can read on this Blog about it, regarding the Egyptian Water Lilly/Lotus Flower being the MEANING OF MY PERSONAL NAME. This is the secret, and how I got the idea to even develop modern Products with the famous, legendary ancient Egyptian BLUE LOTUS.

Right now though, these Skincare Products are not yet available for ordering outside of Switzerland, you will have to be patient as I need to handle the classic economic, export/import type aspects, pay a lot of fees, do insurances, register papers, and then when ready I will immediately let you know when you can order it to America, or EU countries and Asia/Africa comes later as it is more complex, economically.

But I am always here for you, in English as well as you know, for direct spiritual psychic type consultations, and it’s super duper cheap, perfect for everyone. I have a ton of young clients in Switzerland as well that I coach, help with their love life, Twin Flame Soul questions and situations in incredible ways, like on Television, together with Michael in Spirit.

Write me on my Whatsapp Business or Telegram Business anytime.

Susan Elsa – Whatsapp Business QR Code

Try it out, you can get to know the real Susan that way also and see behind the Curtain of Protection I had for many years, and see for yourself my wonderful work with Michael for your highest well being.

If you need products like the protection or especially TwinFlame Soul Mix (Exercise, Protection, Strength Essences with Rose & Blue Lotus) these you can order already via ETSY or best via the TwinEye Portal, also to America, England, Germany, even New Zealand, like other clients have done before, it works and it arrives easy to your home, anywhere.

And my products, lemme promise you that, smell heavenly, and they do your home good after cooking and all that smelly stuff as well.

Sending you all lots of Soul Healing & Peace Vibes

Susan Elsa

Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official

© Copyrighted Official Word Combination & Personal Blog Signature

Women of the World Music Business and Ethics Article © Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official
Women of the World Music Business and Ethics Article © Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official

Susan Elsa NEW BOOK & FULL ALBUM – Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official 1982-2022

Dear Readers

As you might have noticed, I am working on releasing my Demons from the Past and overcoming DEATH PULL spiritually, due to the Twin Soul Mirror Effects (see older articles, years of information I wrote).

On this Blog you can find all Info you need to understand the TwinFlame Soul Phenomenon, a whole library of Info I typed until I almost had a wrist inflammation, in a record speed like a channeling Machine listening to Michael’s dictations in Spirit, and others, such as Thoth.

So, the previous article was to the haters, only. There are many different types of human beings, citizenships, gender, age, race, I don’t care, as long as you respect me and do not hate blindly for no reason, a stranger, you good. If you JOIN the game of evil, you are bad, and I fight bullying and hatred, because I KNOW HOW IT FEELS since Kindergarden.

I got used to not showing weakness, like Michael. Over time, you do not even think or admit to yourself easily, that words or bullying hurt you, if you have to live with it since you can REMEMBER, age 5.

Literally since going out of the house of my parents at 5 for Kindergarden, the bullying began…and has not ended today still.

So, NOT being a Rapper, not able to flow talk in English before 2009, and since Michael never showed his rap style, I will. I am writing a huge Rap Intelligent Diss Track digesting all the hate and bullying from those jealous women, all my life, for my soul health and for true art. It will be featured on my new Album, after 12 years of waiting and merging with my Twin.

Susan Elsa & Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Merging Update

Musical Merging Completed 2010-2022 © TwinSoul Pop

Merging with Michael Jackson and proving it via Music and Dance has been one of the most obvious and direct challenges, also for my body. I had to speed up my understanding of Michael’s secret, unknown to others, inner World of detailled moves, instruments, beatboxing methods, songwriting method that he always spoke of, but this time, openly HIM on the other side “creating it in heaven and giving it basically ready to me”, the ideas…that is why it is named TWIN SOUL POP, since my Birthday 2010. Officially. I am the first, I OWN the Genre TwinSoul Pop and it’s Publishing Right, therefore, Twin Flame Music, Twin Soul Music related uses and the title “TWIN SOUL POP” or anything related to Music Releases using “TWIN SOUL” in it’s title for example.

That ain’t coming from nowhere, or just some idea. I was also the first to tell details, besides Jean Cline & George Reeves (They have a Book). I brought ancient Egyptian style, typical MJ and Susan Style DETAILED SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION on EVERYTHING even the sexual stuff between Twin Flames / Twin Souls. The first, worldwide, dated in evidence, recorded publicly in RELEASES, dated.

I am also the first ever to PERFORM active skills helping others, as a Twin Soul Expert on Television, live.

I am also the first ever to create focused, professional products to help at home Twin Flame Journeys and Work, such as the TwinFlame Soul Mix Incense with Blue & Rose Lotus Extracts.

These things do not come by chance, or from nowhere, and you can see and look up public evidence on these PUBLICATIONS and not sleep on it, if you see anything copying a Swiss Company’s work and claiming crazy, different stories for example, such as stalkers, fans and crazy people related to the MJ Phenomenon, to be direct.

My Company or serious work never had anything to do with bloggers else, book authors who need cash and fame in any way, or competing music “artists” who full open even stick my Twin Soul Cheek Mole to their face and copy my COPYRIGHT AND PUBLISHING RIGHT MATERIAL related to Twin Soul Pop, later, always after, like a stalker, visible in dates to the public and all.

These things do not happen, out of nowhere, to a nobody.

Many people who saw Michael in person, and saw me, were actually shocked at how much I look like him, in person much more than on photos and such. Seeing me face to face, never leaves questions, to people, who saw Michael alive in front of them face to face.

When I say, the Man’s wide discussed public Appearance Changes, are telling you all you have to know. I am making it easy for the public now: He merged with me, he turned into me, look.


Michael Jackson's Miracle for his Twin Soul Susan Elsa *Special World Article* © ArchangelMichael777
Michael Jackson’s Miracle for his Twin Soul Susan Elsa *Special World Article* © ArchangelMichael777
Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official Blog Signature & Books, Music

Honestly, anyone who denies seeing it, either has an eye problem to be fair, or is insane and not normal. Especially if you reach out to a stranger, me, to harass me over your mental issues or fantasies, hate towards Michael or obsessions, because I live and breathe and show myself to help him and his legacy.

I show myself, because I have a right to be myself, and live and make Music and be a WOMAN.

What you wanna do about it? Bitch and moan until I die, then continue like you doing at Michael, even after he passed man? Well then go fuck yourself, and now cry because I said it that way…

So, I am worried, I am facing fears, YOU CAUSED US, I am fighting through anxiiety over releasing a new Album, going there, daring it…because the World made me feel like my life is at risk, my health, my soul, my company, my privacy and data is in danger out of hate and jealousy, if I dare, after all those years or being put down and bullied, show my Merging Results with Michael Jackson in MUSIC AND DANCE.

I cried, screamed, hit stuff, it was bad. I am ready to do this, to fulfill my personal Vision since Childhood, which makes today more sense than ever before, because I am the female Half of MJ and I too make Music.

Love & Light,

Susan Elsa


Susan Elsa: New TwinSoul Pop Album after 12 Years © Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official

Good Morning

Today is Sunday and I am after a long, long time (over 15 yrs) taking anti biotics for a nerve inflammation,

due to severe stress especially physical. I fight every day to keep control over the energies swapping over from Michael Jackson into my body, the echo from the past, his bad experiences, are lingering in the back of my mind.

People will never truly understand, and if I might say straight out: Especially Americans will never understand, they have one of the biggest society issues, emotional issues, ego issues and ignoring the world issues thinking they are all there is, up till this day. Michael Jackson was an American citizen, and he regretted it at some point “not feeling American anymore”.

And they poisoned me, stole my life and work and keep distburbing my home via far distance doings in Switzerland, and my life and soul, continuously, just for being Michael Jackson’s fuckin Twin Flame Soul. It’s the hardest fight of my life, to survive, to overcome the fuckin PTSD caused to me and all that’s rising in the age parallels to Michael’s life after the age of 40.

One of the things I realized, putting the experience into a Song, is hard to digest and accept.


One of the most prominent things I wanna fight, due to my own experiences, and that I care to help Teenagers here with daily, is Bullying. So called MOBBING in German how we say it here.

But before we look at it further, what is it actually? Why does it happen, what is it’s purpose?

This gonna go motherfuckin deep.

I realized as a teenager already, that people bully for no reason. The victim is NEVER at fault.

When someone had issues at home, like feeling unvoled, not cared about or not given attention by parents, they would try to negatively “suck for that energy” with emotional violence, sometimes physical and this horrible bullying I never understood. I used to stand up then already for other Girls and Boys, wo were alone and got bullied a lot, for their shape or hair or such dumb things.

I became aggressive in attacks and learned how to defend myself, since motherfuckin Kindergarden. I remember til this day going in these dark Mercedes Taxi Cars with old Men I didnt know to Kindergarden far away the second year, due to the problems with the FIRST KINDERGARDEN TEACHER, FEMALE AND RACIST TOWARDS ME AS WELL. It almost became a lawsuit back then, my mom had threatened her and fought always hard to protect me.

And no matter how much shit took place, Girls naturally hated me, always. Always!

I went to Primary School, got another female teacher who was even worse. She would watch other kids bully me, and eat a sandwhich enjoying the sight, not taking any actiong or intervening. My mom had to threaten her with legal steps at some point too.

Then I went to another class, ended up in the last 2 years with a new female teacher, in primary school still…

She was even worse, bullied me in front of the class man, like a jealous teeny competing!

Later I had women at work try to cause damage, but also some good women I met I must say. I remember and appreciate friendliness big time. Right before founding my Company, to reach for my lifelong dream I worked hard for, I was working for an American Company and was poisoned, fighting through it still, right after returning home to Switzerland.

Some old German racist woman was the boss over the Swiss department and kept messaging, calling in a stress and disrespect tone you cannot imagine, others took it. I did not. She said a racist remark in my face, for no reason just to abuse me, and I went home, wrote her that one more time and I will report her immediately. She fired me for speaking up. I went and founded my Company, with the vision to bring RESPECT to women, not money making visions. I never was about money, in general, in Music, in Movies, in Writing, or spiritual skills that are sacred and part of my life and soul, inherited from my Grandmother.

I said to myself, if such losers can be controlling and pushing around people, not capable of being good bosses, then I can. And Mystery Garden Productions was born, in 2008, with details discussed with Michael in LA in 2007 and 2008 before leaving. You can see it on his last 2009 preps, the ancient Egyptian Ankh , Part of my Company Logo since hand sketched in LA in 2007….

About the whole Twin Soul thing, you can see it, all over the data of a human being, and face and body and situations and voice, and Music and dancing, and body movements, and and and, but who am I telling? The same Americans who did NOT listen to Michael himself about himself?



A person knows themselves the best, not strangers. But who am I telling, the same public that tried telling Michael who he is, while he yelled:” NO, I AM LIKE THIS THAT, THIS IS ME! I AM TELLING YOU ABOUT ME!”, no we are telling you about you? This is the fight? Its at the core of Twin Flame Consciousness, by the public, and people want to jugde a second time, watching me get anger issues and health issues over the stress over this done to my life?

So, please excuse if I sound harsh and not open to bullshit anymore.

In fact, some cheap effort was made from the U.S. to make it a fight who owns my soul, by insane religious people who know nothing of and fought long Twin Flame Soul Knowledge…in front of your eyes they do the same things you saw full public with Michael, but no, the mind ain’t clicking for many, many people.

From personal attacks to always trying to make SOMETHING SICK OUT OF NATURE, it is unbearable, the public, to be honest. I have no idea at times, how Michael stood it so long. He was never believed, taken serious, SEEN for who he is. All he went through, again:

Due to the Twin Flame Soul Connection and Journey, was ridiculed and torn apart, including me, his Twin Soul, in ways, that can only in the end lead to death. I have to face my own death, knowing each detail coming. I might suddenly have a heart issue around 50, which is 9 years ahead only. Over this bullshit.

Constant bullying, constant hate, until you get so much stress damage, YOUR BODY CANNOT FUNCTION NORMAL OR REST NORMAL TO REGENERATE anymore. This is what happened to Michael, bam, bam, bam “people stop”, bam, bam bam, “I’m a human being!”, bam bam bam bam blind in a psychotic obsession of hate. The public.

Same thing here:

I released Music I worked on all my life, do you understand what all my life means since age 5? I founded a company with financial risks with all my money, poisoned and half dead in 2008, to surprise Michael with my effort and independent doing, based on conversations mostly about FILM DIRECTING in LA. I was poisoned and raped away from LA.

Then my data, company data, logo, releases, art work, wordings such as “TwinFlame Soul” combined terminology, hunted down, stolen, plagiarised, over and over IN FRONT OF YOU by Americans with a religious insanity, you saw me yell and fight, and accused me for MY PROFESSION I chose long ago, based on my TwinFlame Soul Connection to Michael Jackson. The man is A MUSICIAN, but it is strange that I sing, right? Being his Twin Soul, having created TwinSoul Pop before any attacks, dated, copyrighted, published with sketches of HIS FACE BEHIND THE VEIL OF DEATH LOOKING AT THE LIVING. I released it due to hacking in Demo Form that one.

You can tell of all kinds of crimes, scream for help, people watch you die and enjoy it. This is exactly what Michael experienced and I am feeling and seeing it now and I won’t shut up, I will keep telling the truth from Switzerland, no matter how much rapist America is bullying me and copying to the public my stuff to bury me alive, fuck you and fuck off, sick people.

I will put all this into the COMPLETE ALBUM PLANNED SINCE 2010, that was stopped with hacking, crime and bullying later, my MUSIC, my soul expression and vision ALL MY LIFE. It is called TwinSoul Pop because Michael helps me channel the Songs directly in 5 Minutes Technique, not Lady Gag in 2011 a year later with my Cheek Mole as a decoration on, copying poses and the TWINSOUL DATA IN MY COPYRIGHTS. That woman is a drunk, ex stripper, and never had anything to do with my Medium skills my Grandmother also had, helping souls of dead people cross over, and for sure, no Twin helping for writing Songs and if, it would be a copy of my stuff 100%, so they LEFT THE TWIN SOUL PART OUT, interesting. And you still do not see, the most logical in front of you, laugh like drunks about Michael’s suffering and mine and APPLAUD STRIPPERS CLAIMING HIGH SKILLS IN THE OCCULT WITHOUT STUDY OR SIGNS PHYSICALLY.

Then some Jew called Debbie Stefaniak, totally hateful stalking me and ALL PAGES THAT MENTION ME, FORUMS, DISCUSSIONS, away from my sight since I barely see it, PROFESSIONAL STALKING, and fake infos placed even on Google like “oh two WOMEN WITHOUT NAME claim to be Michael’s Twin”, hell no, its unlawful and continues the shit and I am checking now with lawyers all this at the U.S. fuckin Copyright Office for my Company, the Music Publishing Rights if they were infringed in America, my Company can cause big trouble with EU Data Protection Laws and now it is happening finally.

My name is SUSAN ELSA, and I am the ONLY Twin Flame Soul Michael Jackson has, and started my innocent work without blog or talk, before any attacks or fake claims on this. My PROFESSION, FAMILY DATA AND COPYRIGHTS ARE AT STAKE, and you plaster the Internet with bullshit. I am not some Woman, I am THE FEMALE MJ SINCE 1998 OFFICIALLY , FIGHTING SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND MANIPULATION in the Music Fuck Industry since, for my TWIN FLAME MUSIC VISION, you idiots.

Now check my Music, because this time around you will respect my work and what I learned from Michael, hell, you will SEE MICHAEL IN ME IN EACH MOVE ON THIS ALBUM that waited all these years, charged by a war on myself and my soul.And you know what else:


Even if the whole motherfuckin World stood against me, I can only DIE OR LIVE, get that into your heads. It is NOT POSSIBLE TO GO NOT HAVING YOUR SOUL BECAUSE YOU DO NOT LIKE IT – what you are trying all those years is to KILL ME OFF and I won’t go away, because I have the SAME EQUAL RIGHT TO LIFE HERE AS YOU DO, AMERICANS, AND MICHAEL’S SOUL IS NOT BOUND TO HUMAN POLITICS AND YOUR SHIT OR RELIGION BS BY THE SAME PEOPLE MIKE IS RECORDED SPEAKING UP AGAINST, OR AMERICAN PROPERTY. In fact, the Twin Flame Soul Knowledge is NOT from Religious Knowledge, at all, at all.

Kind Regards

Susan Elsa

Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official

(Copyrighted Intellectual Property)

Swiss Quality Twin Flame Soul & Love Partners Counseling in English Worldwide © Susan Elsa MJTwinFlameSoul Official Blog

Dear World

This is the worldwide first offer for express readings of all kinds in English, specialized in Twin Flame Soul readings and Aura Analysis, Far Distance Energy work and more. Many happy clients, mobile, always available flexible, reply within one day only in details worth more than the price with images and voice Messages (channeled information full flow).

Susan Elsa – TwinEye Medium

1-2 Questions cost only 7 bucks, and on it I am. Please do not forget to send me your Questions on Whatsapp, or Telegram. If you do not have those apps, we can use Instagram.

Try it out and see for yourself. I am looking forward to getting to know you and applying my skills and all I learned from and with Michael, with Michael, for you and your Twin Flame Soul.

Rule: No personal Questions about me and Michael here, I tell by free will if I want to and do not take money for that. This is my professional work known from TV I do to help people as much as I can. Thank you for understanding.

For more information, credit card payment and ordering the questions in the TwinEye Portal’s Online:

You will receive an automatic confirmation for the payment, and then send me the Questions on Whatsapp directly so I can send you the reply back with voice messages.

Love & Light,

Susan Elsa

Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official

Susan Elsa & Michael Jackson Merging Update – MJTWINFLAMESOUL OFFICIAL

True TwinFlame Souls are visible, and same, SAME = TWINS.

Me and Michael will prove the truth. Ready.

The Moonwalker & The Sunwalker

Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official

(Copyrighted Term created by Susan Elsa originally)

Susan Elsa – MJTWINFLAMESOUL – Official News May 2022

Susan Elsa Vegan Natural Skincare Line & Opening of the TwinEye Portal

Dear World

I am in the mood to blog to you all today, my dearest Readers, even tired and with a lack of sleep. But I enjoy being super busy, I like working, I have never been a lazy type person and always knew what I want in business.

Lately, a lot has been happening in my life, business and private. Well, everyone is having a special time I would say; worldwide.

The last 2 plus years have not been easy, on me either. But I am on my way to make a family and super satisfied with my private life like never before. People cannot imagine. Trust me.

So, besides those things of my privacy I keep private, such as my family, I have been working harder than ever before, in regards to upholding my tight shedule and work load that usually 5-10 people have to manage, for a long time. I mean weeks go by, and I am working 7 days a week, like a machine.

I am trying to find ways, to blossom in myself as a Woman, while at the same time being THAT Twin Soul of THAT guy, if you know what I mean. I keep to myself and do not share many things that happen now in my TwinSoul Merging process, as it is too serious and too personal and I also have enough stress, worrying about certain things that could reflect on me around age 50 and such, without me able to do anything and being helpless agains nature and this TwinSoul Mirror Effect.

But in order to overcome all the challenges now, I have to go more into my Metamorphosis and stop talking about it. I start doing and being, and working, only for you, not talking about myself. This is why I talked before, so I can now move on without having to explain.

I look a certain way now, without being able to hide it away. I sound and talk a certain way, sing and dance a certain way, and the mind merging is making me more silent now. Like a man. Working, not talking and thinking. I have done that.


One of the things I am sharing here is an angle from how I came up with the recipes for the fine natural, vegan skincare products for my Company. Yeah, sure, you can check my CV and you do not see any cosmetics or “beauty” type job or education – so how did I do it then?

Simple: I created it by pure inner knowledge, past life memory, and actual growing up with a Mom that is a chemical engineer and taught me a lot all my life, even now. Many steps were guided by Michael in the process in the detail, and I will only say it once, here.

I share many skin issues and other things with Michael, such as a heavy dehydration that kept happening to me environment based, without my doing. I fought to keep hydrated, so I developed based on Twin Soul shared Challenges and my lifelong private knowledge and habits unique products.

I literally did the basic prototype creams and oils myself, with a lab, glasses, gloves, lab equipment for making creams in a steril, clean way, stirred it around manually and out came PERFECT natural, vegan, 100% natural no conservation ingredients and soft like satin Creams for skincare, beauty care and some even had improved skin with dermatitis and after Tattoo skincare, because it nurtures so well and is so light on the skin.

I have a 93 (!) year old customor, who bought the Angel Touch Creme as she had super dry patches on her face and felt ashamed. I chatted with her a bit, and within those 20 Minutes I saw the dry spots even out in hydration level and her face improving already. She kept touching her face, massaging it lightly with her fingers saying:” Oh my God, it’s sooo soft, like satin or something like that”.

That is one product line, classic, natural, serious and in stores by this week officially introduced in Switzerland, yet. I promise, I am working on expanding everything correctly, so it can be sold in America as well in stores officially. I will let you know asap when that happens.


Now, for my followers on this blog mainly, this is the more interesting product line right now, and unavailable in that form anywhere else. It is worldwide unique, and as usual, I am the leading One about this – specialised, professional Twin Flame Soul Products to help you all at home, private, diskreet, serious and real in physical reality with my knowledge.

Now, we not talking, we getting into doing. I am doing, what I have talked about for a few years. I am showing you methods, highly private and secret, things my Grandmother Bedur taught me, and things Michael taught me, and things I taught myself over my lifetime.

Susan Elsa – hand picking Gem Stones for Ancient Egyptian Amulets Making for Clients

There is a whole spiritual science behind all I am, and it is something that has centrally helped me in my journey and especially to keep strong during attacks, interference and personal, inner challenges that come with Twin Soul Merging.

At times, the element air, such as smudging/ burning incense is the right thing to use.

At times, water, a cleansing and emotions-element, is the right thing to put to use.

Another time, pure fire is the needed element, and there are tons of methods.

And some times, the earth is what balanced and grounds when the time comes.

Magic can be done with all 4 elements of nature, and THE SPIRIT. (Soul)

The most powerful and important skill and method, is the inner Fokus in fact, the SPIRIT. It moves all other elements, that only “support”. If you do an Aura Reading, as an example, you use this skill purely. If you read tarot cards, you have the cards as a “walking stick” or even less important, but the reading itself is done with the SPIRIT SKILL.

I never really thought, for years, about doing a direct up close contact much and coaching in such ways, for people. I never even thought of doing active Twin Soul Counseling and, energy work, direct…until I found myself on live TV, doing it.

Very quickly I settled into doing this professionally for helping people, and I was very good at it. Nothing can be faked, live on Television, no editing, live strangers anywhere able to call in and ask anything, or just text. I did not even ask for birth dates, I only took first name and Mother’s first name, and saw everything, even Twin Soul Details, as far as allowed, to help. I highly watch for the boundaries spiritually, and Michael guides me in a perfect Team work nobody could follow, when I do my work.

Susan Elsa now available @ TwinEye Portal

People have been searchng for me since I stopped working on TV, I am preparing my own TV Project, which will not be just spiritual or so, I do not even like that concept, I am a scientist, and love history too and beauty and life, real life advice, for all people, so you will see.

But, whenever you need my help in your Twin Flame Soul Situation, with important soul mates, or with anything spiritual or even relationships, work and career, lifestyle, and personal beauty issues or questions, just use this new Service I made for all. Young people use it already, like right away, daily, to get my counseling very cheap and flowing as they decide.

You may use this offer too, even if you do not have the easy Swiss Country specific Payment by Phone method, but you can just get it from ETSY even easier, as I immediately see it on my phone. But do not forget to give me your Whatsapp or write there after buying it, as I like to give detailed replies to your questions and send Tarot Cards, Angel Cards Photos and Voice Messages, channeled directly, mostly.

I wish you all a wonderful day and send you lots of love, light and inner strength for life

Susan Elsa


Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official


TwinFlame Soul™ Statement 2022 PRIVACY by Elsa & MJ in Spirit

Dear World

Today is a heavy news for many of you probably, and to me it does feel like a form of goodbye similar to the goodbye’s when someone passes away.

It wasn’t what we wanted, for all of you, but at this point, I had ENOUGH of the public ignorance, bullying and LAUGHING about my pain, abuses, crimes and my very soul, and Michael’s death (yes, this is how human beings are, a SECOND time…)

For over 10 years now, I took the pain, physical too, I felt heart racing through negative energy waves or however you want to call it, without looking, from all the bullshit talk, defamation, lies, and personal harassment, stalking style. I put my Aura and Soul out there, to also fight for Michael, but I needed your help to make it happen.

The public have not done enough for us.

Or yourselves.

I kept getting attacked, and screamed for help, very open putting my precious privacy out there. And what was the reaction over and over, for years, by most people including so-called MJ Fans?

You did the same thing to me, that was done to Michael, the NEGATIVE STUFF. You let me down, when I needed help to survive. I fought now since 2007 since the L.A. poisoning, through Michael’s passing, the horrible news, the burial of his Legacy in lies while I screamed for help to stop it, now the damage is irrepairable and the Fans too, USE mostly Michael’s energy, work, fantasies, to enrich their lives, but he is not important, and never was.


The Ones who understand and are guided by Michael truly, or other spiritual guidance of their own such as their loved Ones in spirit or Twin Souls, will find me obviously and have many ways to get into a private chat or conversation form with me, as I am no longer talking in public about ME & MICHAEL personally.

I am here to help you all, only, I am here to do my WORK.

My privacy will be like before 2010 again, completely private, even in private I do not talk much about us anymore and keep to myself.

I talked a lot, Michael barely talked, and it all was finally also always due to outside influences and interference, MAKING us talk, him doing interviews, and me blogging and publishing books and posts with personal explanations and information, like a self defense.

It is not healthy for me to keep exposing my energy, for nothing, if people do not appreciate it, then I take Michael back for myself from now on, like it is naturally and always has been since I was born. This connection continues in me, my body, my appearance, and you will KNOW why I am the way I am, but no more talking, I said enough.

TwinFlame Soul™ Statement 2022 PRIVACY by Elsa & MJ in Spirit

You know what Michael said as a first reaction to this decision now? He said: I am the last one to have anything against having our PRIVACY BACK.

And he smiled, all relaxed. And I felt relieved, to take my energy back and focus on the other important work and private things I am in right now in my life.

Much Love to all of you from Michael and all the Best

Susan Elsa


TwinFlame Soul™ – Express Readings Service by ELSA

Susan Elsa & Michael Jackson- True Twin Flame Soul

Dear Readers

I have been holding back for a while now, regarding the whole strange online World and have worked on Swiss Television and am building my Brand with my Company as in my Beauty Product Line and healthy Lifestyle Products, natural and vegan and all that.

I have a very far reach by now in Switzerland, professionally, and many Clients and little time. But I do take the time to blog again more for all of you, and to open this opportunity and service to all of you as well, dear English-speaking Readers.

For only 7 Dollars you can enter 1-2 Questions to me, and I will do an Express Reading and reply with Fotos as well if needed for the visual Symbolism in a Card Deck for example, or sketch you a Symbol and send it for you to use. I work individual on your individual energy and situation with many different tools I have.

You can then receive your reply via ETSY directly, or Email, or Whatsapp Business Account (+41-(0)79 511 67 12)

TwinFlame Soul & Spiritual Questions 1-2 (ETSY LINK)

Looking forward to being there for your Questions!

We’re sending out a Major TwinFlame Soul Double Ray

Susan Elsa & Michael Jackson in Spirit


TwinFlame Soul Mix™ Special Love Incense with Ritual Guide by Susan Elsa – Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official

Dear World

I am writing in a very happy mood today this special article to you all. My life has been getting better and better, and I did not expect that anymore. So many good things are happening, and I am working on making a family and enjoying my private life double-style too.

My Twin Soul Merging has taken me to places I have NEVER expected to see, go to or be invited to. And whole Switzerland is seeing and knowing my truth by now and I feel supported and understood, finally.

Susan Elsa Michael Jackson – True Twin Flame Soul Merging Visible Physically over the Years

Of course, there is always the wondering, bullying and harassment people, and that probably won’t stop so soon, maybe after I survive the 50, but it is obviously a part of the Twin Soul Merging and Michael experienced it still harder than me, so I am glad.

He took the hard part, and it is lighter for me, as if his soul protects my feminine soul like that. But we do experience exactly the same things, private, surroundings, from Switzerland to America even, people copy my information, steal, defame, lie, fight literally like crazy over MY STUFF, just like it happened to Michael as he was just making Music and Singing.

@susanelsaofficial Real #twinsoulpop#susanelsa#michaeljackson#mjtwinflamesoul#moonwalktanz#zwillingsseelemj#fyp#foryoupage#echtezwillingsseelen#twinsouls#shapeshift#fürdich#fy#elsahexe#tanz#weiblichmjecht♬ Originalton – SusanElsaOfficial

I invented TwinSoul Pop in 2010 officially releasing it, and I am a born Medium using those skills in my Art and Teaching Efforts through Books, Blogs and TV work. I have been also the first Twin Soul Expert doing active support, even live magic for the aura and bringing Chakra points in Twins TOGETHER BY MY AND MICHAELS HAND, the first such Expert/Magician ever on Television worldwide. Now, I bring you also the very first professional, hands on items for TwinFlame Souls at home, comfy and easy to order to anywhere and with a Ritual Guide so you know how to use it.

On this blog, I will give you advice on how else you can use it, for what situations it can help and more on the background of the Blue Lotus Extrakt in it.

TwinFlame Soul Mix™ – Twin Soul Incense Love Energy Mix


The above photo is the official product photo of the Incense Mix Package. There are also larger Packages you can order on inquiry. I traveled and exported the ingredients myself from Egypt for this Mix, as it contains the Red Wood Incense famous to work wonders against envy and jealousy, smells heavenly sweet and wonderfully dreamy leaving a dreamy smell in your home. Other than that it has dried Jasmine Flowers, known to attract True Love energy, and the famous Blue Lotus in a concentrated extract formula with a particular designed effect therefore, specific for TwinFlame Soul Training.

The Blue Lotus has been used in ancient Egypt as an aphrodisiac, pain killer naturally, ritual essence, in wine, as incense, as oil even put into Pharao King’s Tombs. It is mentioned in the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead / Coming Forth by Day Light that one can become “a sacred Blue Lotus” after dying.

I tested it, and I saw clearly with my perfect type of sight, physical and spiritual, how my CLAIRVOYANCE became CLEARER within 10-20 Minutes, through the Blue Lotus Effect. The stress I know too well from my work and life, that comes up at times, is gone, washed away, total mind-relaxation somehow very gently and an obvious happy mood, these are the known effects of Blue Lotus Incense, burned and creating Smoke. It is concentrated in the Mix, as it is not a smell type incense, but a professional ancient Egyptian method, historically correct and authentic TwinFlame Soul Incense. The Product cannot be sold or delivered to certain countries like Russia and around 3 more, but is absolutely alright in all other countries as an incense. It cannot be consumed, it is only for external use as incense in a room or place.

Obviously, Michael guides me since many years in my work, and in this one as well. I even created from my ancient past life memory formulas for official Natural Skincare and Vegan Creams, Lotions and Oils that WORK and professional Distributors and Store Owners are CRAZY about the Beauty & Skin Products. I got official Barcodes and an International Global Trading Number for my Company as well, so you can also buy this Incense from me for your Store anywhere, I am totally open and friendly in talking about Business together anytime.

TwinFlame Soul Mix™ – Twin Soul Incense Love Energy Mix GERMAN OFFICIAL PRODUCT STICKER Swiss Company Mystery Garden Productions GmbH

We even produced a 100% natural Lubricant with Blue Lotus and Rose Lotus Extracts in it (Twin Soul Formula by myself and Michael) that has aphrodisiac and skin nurturing effects with pure Aloe Vera and no Oil and no Fat.

All this is an authentic, ancient Egyptian and modernized Brand that really enriches your life, not just teachings or words. I do all I can to improve your lives, all of you.

The Incense Mix can also be used before Bed and for Dream Stimulation for Twin Flame Souls, it can be used for sexual Energy exchange, sex (bedroom for example), before a date or for Twin Flame Soul Meditations. I recommend to you the Exercises Booklet PART 1 on ETSY as an addition.

Here is the LINK:

TwinFlame Exercises Booklet by Susan Elsa on ETSY

I will blog more about it tomorrow, explain how to use it and give more insights on the Blue Lotus Energy that not many people know much about, yet.

Susan Elsa

Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official

How I created the combined Term "TwinFlame Soul" / "Twin Soul Flame" (Copyrighted Property Susan Elsa) © Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official
How I created the combined Term “TwinFlame Soul” / “Twin Soul Flame” (Copyrighted Property Susan Elsa) © Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official 2015 ARTICLE RECOMMENDED

The Soul-Scan™ by Elsa © Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official

Dear Readers

Tonight I got something special for you I barely talked about on here. I take my work for clients super serious and do it in great detail and precision. My Grandmother has laid a strong basic foundation in my life for this type of work, and my TwinSoul evolution with Michael made me grow in my lifelong skills especially in the application of it.

Here is a little fun video from a live spontaneous performance of Billie Jean I have done in Egypt just a few days ago, I just got back from Egypt working on wonderful new products for natural beauty care. This is raw and real, no effort or planning, just live me being me.

Now, what is this Soul-Scan™ I am talking about?

One thing I can tell you, I introduced it on live TV, with strangers calling me on the Show and me performing a part of the work ultra quick, scanning their souls and giving a true overview of all the relevant spiritual basic information about a person possible. Bam.

I can see, in seconds or less you can actually say, all your soul’s details, auric details, chakra strengths, weaknesses, energies stuck from others or the past, twin soul details, your twin soul interacting with me through Michael precisely and I see them, hear them, listen to what they care about and say, individually, to give you those igniting details in a TwinSoul Overview, starting with: Is your Twin in spirit or incarnated? I give you personal exercises according to ancient Egyptian spiritual soul sciences, on how to unlock certain hidden skills you have asleep in the soul or past life skills, how to bring out the best in you, what Angel groups and soul groups you are connected to, a personal channeled and drawn colored symbol, only for you adjusted to your energy signature. This can be used then lifelong to re-collect and strengthen, shield your personal energy field, like a personal spiritual code.

There is a reason why people love it, especially I noticed even more English speaking Folks and especially my dear Americans. I find this wonderful and special, as the Soul-Scan™ started in German on Swiss Television.

The above prices in Swiss Francs you see are for print Booklets in the traditional ancient Egyptian way. Digitally, it costs way less and I tend to give you few more pages for free, as I care about the work, not money. It is more time consuming to type it, format it, channel, and draw for the symbols that I charge for, my time is short, shorter than ever. Just so you understand, why it costs something. I am also planning a baby and my baby will need food and clothes in expensive Switzerland.

So, if you want to support my work, and have something priceless for it, get yourself a real original Soul-Scan™, at the moment, you can even get it for 100 bucks only via ETSY, until 14th February 2022, which if you pay in Dollars, is basically around 70 bucks for me only. Again, I care about the work truly, and am a Pro at the same time.

ETSY LINK DIRECT – with Clients References

Direct Payments also possible for any further products such
as Beauty Oils or Incense, TwinSoul Incense and Oil Roll Ons

You can always email me at:

I am sending you much love, light and wisdom for the New Year 2022

Susan Elsa


BeautyAlchemy Products 100% Vegan & Natural from Switzerland

Dear World

I cannot leave you out of these wonderful and natural events occuring right now in my life and work I do since many years for the goal of improving human beings lives and soul condition.

I truly believe and learned myself the hard way, how soul vibration affects the body and beauty as well. My experience working for a TV Show came out not too well after all, and I decided to go my own new way and focus on what I started on TV, which is, true products that help, to be at home with you, NOT JUST TALK.

In my special life experiences, and growing up with Egyptian Beauty Traditions learned from my Mother and Grandmother, I really got into it recently and am making natural, organic natural alchemy knowledge based type of botanical work, Beauty Oils, natural Intimate Care, Skincare Creams. And yes, no additives or chemicals needed, this is ancient Egyptian Knowledge creatively modernized.

The Lilly Oil in the following Cream, for example, I literally produced myself under Michael’s special spiritual guidance, precisely giving me a guide on how to charge even the water that flows into the Lilly Flowers before they are turned into Oil in a later step. White and Pink Lilly Oil, to be precise, by Mystery Garden Productions.

LillyBeauty Cream – 100% Natural & Vegan with Organic Cocoabutter,
Coconutfats, Coneflower Extracts
Mystery Garden Productions – Business PayPal QR Code

If you want to buy any of the products, you can always check them here and updates, offers and more:

True TwinFlame Souls AGE ALIKE – Biological Soul Truth © Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official

Michael Jackson Live From Bucharest 1992 – DANGEROUS WORLD TOUR

Dear World

Tonight comes a very special Update and point I have not yet seen in other Twin Soul cases, except maybe Jean Cline and George Reeves Case. But she ain’t showing herself, I do.

I am right here, full face on.

Since years I watch people discuss my Appearance, especially in connection to Michael’s. I am the core reason he changed, and adjusted to me, its a BIOLOGICAL PULL IN THE CELLS AS WELL. The Merging, or Metamorphosis, it not a joke.

Lemme give you a summary, direct and unfiltered YO!


It takes a bit longer due to the Pandemic, but my next English Book after 10 Years is coming, and my German Biography for my people here in Europe.

If you check out my since Autumn TikTok Videos, you can see me unfiltered, at home, in pyjamas, outside walking, in the music studio, or showing evidence of plagiarism to people in my home country, SWITZERLAND. And…

You can see that in the meantime I look like Michael when he was the same age, we parallel through space and time in EVERYTHING. Naturally, real Twin Soul Merging does that.

MJs TwinFlame Soul – Visible Biology of Truth

I did not enjoy the dehydration experience jumping at me only due to Twin Soul Mirror Effects, forcing an ONGOING PARALLEL CONNECT in every detail, beyond SPACE AND TIME especially. I did not like seeing my hair get fucked up, dry and like Michael’s in the 90s, exactly moving my Looks always in the same direction. I had to face personal shit, and it was hard.

I can’t help it, and I am fighting against the storm to make it beyond 50. I will need you all, to help me stay alive, and turn this cycle around, for me and Michael, and all of you.

Has the World learned yet ANYTHING from Michael Jackson’s Life Story? © Susan Elsa - Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official Blog
Has the World learned yet ANYTHING from Michael Jackson’s Life Story? © Susan Elsa – Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official Blog

My skin turned lighter, I was having breathing issues a few years, always fighting to breathe, lack of oxygen and fluids in my body as if I WORKED MYSELF INTO THE HOSPITAL LIKE MICHAEL, just bam, mirror from his past on my body.

I could not survive all this without his constant support. It has become undeniable by now, and maybe you will understand me now in why I shot out with Mike all our points in 2010, KNOWING AHEAD, this thing will grow, and you have no idea how big it grew.

100% Real Face – Susan Elsa Nose 2020 from Home in Morning

The Challenge of Being Michael Jackson’s TwinFlame Soul © Susan Elsa

Maybe I am subjective, but from my perspective, people think it’s all positive somehow being linked LIKE THAT with Michael Jackson, and tap into the same past fantasies. As if we ain’t human, cannot feel harassed, lose sleep or get heart racing from abuse. Why is that? Why is it that people think, we have NO RIGHTS to be treated human basically?

My point is, YOU ALL SAW Michael PUBLICLY fighting for his life, long, speaking up, long, looking increasingly burned out and exhausted, long. You SAW IT, with your own eyes. And back then, nobody cared, as it went on. I remember.

That point alone, to share that with Michael this energy, that makes others treat me the same way, is painful.

You saw his health issues, basically, the press was constantly looking and talking about how “he is slowly falling apart” while continuing to NOT TAKE HIM SERIOUS AS A HUMAN and bullying him.

I experienced that effect, physically, on myself, without world press and such or money. Just because I am his Twin Soul, it just happens to me, people who know him encounter my path naturally, recognize it, treat me the same way, bad or good, both.

This not easy and to be honest, I underestimated it a few years ago.

The reason I am sharing this is so that all of you UNDERSTAND how physical, real and dualistic a real Twin Soul experience is. It is not just mental or emotional, if someone tells you that, send them to the mental illness hospital, I am serious.

It is PHYSICAL. If it is not physical, and not visible physically, it ain’t real.

Mystery Garden Productions – TwinEye BeautyAlchemy Products

How I Experimented with my Experience and Talent to Design Products © Susan Elsa

As you can see in the above image, we are really doing full on Swiss Style research, Nature Lab work and natural, vegan Beauty Alchemy efforts, re-introducing ancient Egyptian methods of Beauty and Recipes such as the Rose / White Lilly Oil we produce ourselves. Planned is even a whole Lilly Flower Plantage to make the best pure Lilly Oil in the World, ready by 2023.

Check out the unique Skin Oil I myself use from now on regularly too, its the best I ever felt on my skin, despite trying many, many different expensive and cheap products for years!

BeautyAlchemy™ Skin Oil

See, I am a writer partially, but not only. I originally am an Artist, Singer, Songwriter so yes very into writing since childhood as well, but also a Film Director&Cinematographer, and a born Medium like my Grandmother.

My Mom is a scientist, one of the best chemical engineers in the World actually back in her day. I have Danielle Nova in my Team and Life as well, my soul sister, who is a licensed Nurse and makes her own products, offering you also services as the Spiritual Nurse.

Let me show you some of hers, as what I been through and Danielle regarding her Grandfather in her case, helped to create those products out of pure souls hearts.

For example, she made the first ever Incense Mix with Guide I have ever seen, for mourning people, who just lost someone and need especially that type of support.

You can buy it anytime, its not expensive, and it comes with a ritual and exercises guide, to not just cope with the situation, but open up blockages and adjust the communication channels to your loved Ones, yes, after Death. So, it does have such exercises too, to really help out in difficult moments.

You can easily see, the work speaks for itself. We really think about it, I love my work and my company, my vision to improve the world and women’s lives and also men’s, with everything I do. I do have special products for children, but we are still expanding that and I will update you as we move.

Rose Flame Double Heart Chakra Oil

You can see Danielle’s most popular product here, as it is one of the first also. The Rose Flame Oil is special, it definitely works. I remember getting her Box in the Mail, arrving from New York in Zurich, Switzerland, and I was so excited suddenly.

I felt the pull on my heart chakra, the emotional like opening of the energy, immediately, before touching them or applying the oil, as she put one present Rose Flame in there for me personally to try.


So I am sharing it so you are aware and know, you can always count on us and have even now a graspable, physical support in form of the worldwide unique products with Swiss Quality.

Mystery Garden is a SWISS Company, and I am Swiss, and Egyptian, and proud.

I will be sharing some more great news in another Sun-Day article today 🙂

Much Love & Light,

Susan Elsa

Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official

About BEING YOUR FULL SELF (TWIN ASPECTS): Evolution Beyond the Ego *NEW ARTICLE* © Susan Elsa – Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official

About Music and Soulmates Love *Special Update Article* © Susan Elsa - MJ TwinFlame Soul Blog

About Music and Soulmates Love *Special Update Article* © Susan Elsa - MJ TwinFlame Soul Blog
About Music and Soulmates Love *Special Update Article* © Susan Elsa – MJ TwinFlame Soul Blog

Photo: “Carrying the Sun like a Crown just like in ancient Egypt” © Susan Elsa

Dear Readers

I have not blogged anything at all for a few months now. I needed some time for myself and my privacy, with many wonderful, challenging and also strange things happening.

But at least, I can’t ever say my life is boring! I guess that can be a good thing.

I am really enjoying myself this spring and now summer, it has been a very interesting time lately, especially in private matters.

That is of course something I value, my privacy, and do not talk about much or blog. But you can feel the vibes, and I will tell you more on deeper reflections on soulmates, the inner child coming alive and all that in the next and final article for today, the third one following this one.

Now, let’s get into the topics for this article!


See, many people, dear readers, have picked up on the whole “Twin Flame /Twin Soul Topic” and spread TOTALLY INCORRECT FALSE information, which got into the heads of many people online.

Everyone is fixed, sadly, on this romantic aspect, and I keep saying, its not about that, its about THE SELF and evolution and that A (TWIN) SOUL is seen as two separate, different “beings” is an illusion!

When I was a child, Michael was one with me, part of my soul already. We were created that way. You can see it in his very public Appearance Changes exactly after my Birth and parallel to my life and looks. Even my childhood vibes echoed inside his heart, when he was an adult, and he felt his inner child healing and coming to life a second time, like he IS AND FEELS like a child for real, because I was a child and our soul is one.

Got it?

So, I see Michael and this as one thing, and my relationships with anyone else but MY SELF AND SOUL, as something completely different.

I had relationships and great, deep connections with soulmates, from which I learned a lot and evolved, in fact, into being even ready to understand myself that deeply and Michael and our shared soul.


Here comes the problem, and it is a very real one if you are in such a heightened spiritual awareness and vibration. People here think in “human ways”, and it’s all about ego for most people.

Women come at me all angry and aggressive, being “jealous of my relationship with myself and my own soul”, seeing the illusion and ego only, as in “oh she got Michael and we want him” like he is some item to own, or simply some “lover”. But this is totally wrong thinking actually.

Men now too, see that I have feminine and masculine vibes, balanced and a very clear communication and sight on spirit. And since Michael is another part of ME, and I am another part of HIM, simply speaking, there is no competition or such thing in reality.

And like Michael, when PHYSICALLY INCARNATED INTO A SEPARATE BODY, could have relationships with others, and especially dear close soulmates, and marry, and have a family, have CHILDREN, I can have that too.

Nothing changed.

Michael is not incarnated on this Planet anymore and when the merging is completed, you can move like your Twin Part is in spirit and all spiritual energies are balanced and guided and merged. One of the hardest things, most confusing and challenging, as you see, is when both incarnate at the same time and have to understand this spiritual truth, within a contradictory dualistic life form.

Michael “felt” like another being in my uneducated head, when I was younger, and when I thought we just have some “unique very strong spiritual connection”. Things would “mirror” on me, from him and his life, even physical accidents and issues, like phantom pains in precise same areas of my body and such. It wasn’t funny, and my life in general was somehow very much one big struggle back then, being connected to Michael’s pain and stress the whole time.

And who would understand him? And who would even begin then to understand me too?

Nobody, I felt.

It seems, when you open up this “Pandora’s Box” and bring people back to awareness on their own self’s INNER DETAILS, about the whole Twin Soul truth and more, what we are, what we can do finally, what we can become through the light and love, people lose their minds and get confused, or they get fascinated and interested in learning more about themselves.

This is all about, not the ego in human ways, but your full own self, spiritually, your energy, your aspects, your WHOLE being, not just a part you focus on in human terms. We are more deep beings created by God, than most people realise while incarnated in this limiting life form.


When we speak of a “relationship”, then we mean a relation to another, another separate, different being. Someone that has different thoughts, views, energies, but that we can relate to. Right? Think about it in a deeper way.

So, we do not really have a “relationship” with the different aspects within us, we are just that, as a whole. But we can have very deep and meaningful, and also lasting relationships with other souls, and share different energies, learn, love and be loved, grow, enjoy, experience, see, feel, change, heal and all that.

These are the good type soulmate relationships. They are very, very rare as well.

If you think, especially after having become aware and met your Twin Soul Counterpart and realised all those things about yourself, that you can not have a deep, intense, spiritually connected, higher vibrating connection including telepathy and heart communication and feeling each other and all that with someone else, a POSITIVE, GOOD SOULMATE, then you are thinking again not in the correct direction!

Everything in you, can exist outside as well and resonate and vibrate similar.

I was surprised by that experience myself, to be honest.

The more you get in balance with yourself, which always including the twin soul awareness and consciousness of course, you can manifest the craziest miracles in your life, trust me.

All I want to say is, be yourself, LIVE, and understand that ego is not what we are or supposed to focus on, but the very vibration of life, light and love, at all times. This is the final lesson here. To keep going and evolve your mind to a degree, where only love and light exist, and the now moment, and nothing else.

A very close soulmate, you spent many lifetimes with before, and that resonates perfectly with your full, evolved “Twin Soul Self” is the best thing ever to experience!

Nothing negative, nothing of a lower vibration, nothing of the earthly ways we got used to in recent times, but the mind being a fertile garden for what is to come and getting ready – because the future on this Planet is supposed and planned to look very different than what it is now.

Only love will survive, and no fear and no evil will have power in the future on this Planet. I can’t wait for this day, but until then, we are evolving and learning and there are many people who live, but don’t really live as in “feeling alive” and it has a lot to do with the INNER CHILD.

This is one of the most important wisdoms and messages Michael Jackson ever carried, and he was attacked for it so badly with the false accusations and defamation witch hunt on him, that he felt his voice was taken away and he could not tell and teach as much as he would have liked to about the INNER CHILD, so I am completing this, for him and for myself and all of us and all of you.

More on this in the next article, sending you all a big hug of light!

Susan Elsa

© Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official

About Changing the World and Healing *Updates and Reflections* © Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official Blog

About Changing the World and Healing *Updates and Reflections* © Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official Blog

About Changing the World and Healing *Updates and Reflections* © Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official Blog
About Changing the World and Healing *Updates and Reflections* © Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official Blog

Yo Yo Yo

It’s me again. 🙂

As you might have noticed, I haven’t blogged anything and was basically mostly offline, working on Productions and living my Life. I am doing an intense Sports program, and focused on my Health, because certain projects take a certain level of Fitness, especially if you are a Perfectionist.

I am surprised, I kinda start to look years younger. Like, time is being “unmade” again, or rather, the “effects of the harsh transition and heavy interferences”.

Many things are happening in my Life, and I cannot talk about it here, but I am very happy and learning new things, and the main thing is…

I am healing the core issue I had persistently with “being on this Planet”, especially after Michael passed to Spirit. I never had an issue handling the Spiritual Realms, but I always felt like I cannot find “peace on Earth”.

Now I am working on finding my Peace on Earth, and this is releasing lots of good energies and healing vibes.

It is not easy, certain aspects of it, and the whole shadow side of Show Business is no joke, but one can learn to overcome anything with love.

There is also good news happening, regarding something that was stressing me out on a personal level since last year 2016. I wrote a bit about it before, how I was mistreated and lied to by this Qadree El-Amin, and how he then handed some really sensitive and legal information I shared on the phone personally in 2015, to Shana Manga-Tale for her Crap Fantasy Book, in which he too of course is mentioned like some kind of “Hero Figure around Michael that was trying to help him” – bullshit.

He was talking shit to me about this lawsuit he was in in LA, with Michael’s Estate. I was there, in exactly this time 2007/2008 and I shared some things superficially on the phone with him about what Michael was working on with me and planning. He did say some things too, but I could tell something is not right, and I wanted to have patience and talk in Person in Bermuda in early 2016, but he played a weird unprofessional game and didn’t even show up while others including local Politicians were waiting on him as well there.

Then I knew confirmed, he is fake. I gave him a second chance, after he let Michael down, to have an open talk about all this.

What is the funniest about is, that right before Shana went public with TABLOIDS to trash Michael and yell around in those tabloids for attention for herself and her failed acting career, I emailed Qadree.

I was very clear, and Michael said clearly he is going to “kick his ass” if he moves further ahead with this shit and that it will be “between him and Michael then”. And that he has “zero chance of getting to Michael’s stuff in his Lawsuit”.

Guess what, lol.

They got crushed now in this joke lawsuit they filed, him and those other fuckers like Raymone Bain and so forth. The only thing that made me really angry, was how around last Month I think, there were News on “Katherine Jackson joining Lawsuit” and I just had to hit the couch because I got so angry over Qadree STILL sneaking around the Family further and taking his Game further fully rude like this, and especially going around MICHAEL’S MOTHER.

That is a no go.

Hopefully now it is clear also to Ms Jackson, how fake and dishonest this Qadree guy is.

And Shana is a cheap Opportunist and Groupie, friends with Qadree El-Amin, and she was NOT with Michael during the time I was with him there and I never heard one word about her from him. Not one.

There you go, the truth always prevails.

They embarrassed themselves extremely, going to Court against the Estate trying to get some “solid shares of Michael’s Company”, based on claimed “oral agreements”. Lol.

I couldn’t stop laughing for 10 Minutes after seeing this detail in the News 2 Days ago. They have no documents, but claim they “officially founded a company for Mike named Michael Jackson Incorporation”. All this stuff Qadree told me, all those fancy stories, supposed “ready investors from Japan which he had readied for Michael already and all this, but nowhere any documents or business paper works?

Just words? lol

Going to Court based on “oral agreements”….I guess then I can go to court too anytime, lol, at least I can prove the oral agreements via published material and records and dates.

Qadree is a Clown.

“Music Mogul” my ass…

That brings me to the next point actually. There have been such Clowns, similar in their greed and obsession with getting into Michael’s shit who have defamed me online and lied in very malicious ways about things just like Qadree and Shana. These people would always try to attack me saying “Michael would never be so angry or aggressive over evil and injustice and lies”, aha.

I keep trying to explain that there is no such thing as “two people who are somehow something else in essence” being “two Twin Souls”, this is all false online information by others to confuse.

A Twin Soul is A SOUL, A TWIN SOUL, meaning, one and the same soul. This is all me and always has been. 🙂 I know it is complex for people with the earthly perception to grasp, but that is the simple truth.

The way I talk sometimes, when things are really messed up and tabloids heat up their crap, the way I get passionate and angry defending the truth and facts, that they say “ain’t Michael’s style or energy or way of talking”. LOL

Recently, there was a wonderful, very courageous Interview done by Paris Jackson, his beloved daughter, with the Rolling Stone Magazine.

Here is a Quote regarding the point I made:

Funny Honest Quote Paris Jackson about Father Michael Jacksons Private Way of Talking and Focus on Education and True History -Rolling Stone Magazine Interview - ARCHANGELMICHAEL777 BLOG-
Funny Honest Quote Paris Jackson about Father Michael Jacksons Private Way of Talking and Focus on Education and True History -Rolling Stone Magazine Interview – ARCHANGELMICHAEL777 BLOG-

There you go. People that know me for a long time privately, know I constantly say the same thing and specifically regarding the injustice towards Natives especially. I wrote about it since few years, it is a fact most people do not think about or ignore.

I love the Native American People and feel spiritually very connected and always did. When you care about something, and you are not in a public format such as TV, an Interview or a Red Carpet where you gotta show “diplomacy and contain yourself professionally”, but you are private and the topic is dear to you and you are passionate, you obviously express it verbally and nobody watches or judges you, like on TV. Michael was not the way he was on TV, in private as a Person!

Try for ONCE, to understand Michael Jackson truly. I am here to help with that. And I am so happy to see how Paris is evolving and Michael’s children bring his truth forth as well. I love also the new Ying/Yang Tattoos Paris and Prince Michael got together just recently.

Prince, Paris and Blanket are exceptional and beautiful Personalities and Michael is very proud of them.

I highly recommend you read it all, because she got really something to say.

Here is the Link:


Paris Jackson: Life After Neverland

In her first-ever in-depth interview, Michael Jackson’s daughter discusses her father’s pain and finding peace after addiction and heartache


Obviously I won’t comment on the content or personal things she decided to share, but let me say I worried extremely exactly around the time she tells of “assault and abuse” about her and felt something like this must have happened and kept praying and felt bad that I cannot protect her directly somehow.

I was shocked when reading the interview, and I applaud you Paris for being so courageous and overcoming all of this in such a young age. You are powerful, Girl!

I am working on a wonderful charity project with my a good friend of mine now, and it is really making me feel so good to do something important and meaningful to help others. I have never been about “posing and showing off”, this is not why I decided to work in Entertainment. Maybe many others think this way, superficial Girls and Men are all over Show Business, we all know that.

But true love, passion for art, and a need to “express soul” and connect with people giving them healing vibes, happy vibes, joy, fun, upliftment all that is what true Art, Music, Dance and Performance should be about.

It is sometimes as if the Music Business especially is right now the furthest away from the original Purpose and Definition of what Art and Talent really is. Like, people forgot what “talent” and “uniqueness” and “skills the average person doesn’t have” is all about.

Talent means, something most people cannot do, something exceptional.

And despite all those challenges and miracles that this year 2017 has begun with, I feel very peaceful now and am working very hard on several things.

I will therefore not be able to blog in the next few months, except for sporadically whenever I find some time and have something to say.

I am sending you all in the meantime lots of unconditional love and light, and wish you a wonderful spring and summer time as well.

And don’t forget: We might be in duality here, where there is good and evil, but good is much more powerful and the most important thing in life, and in spiritual realms, is simply love. Love erases anything negative and heals everything.

Love & Light,

Susan Elsa

THE MICHAEL JACKSON METAMORPHOSIS STORY (Documentary Project Updates & Insights) © Susan Elsa – Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official

THE MICHAEL JACKSON METAMORPHOSIS STORY (Documentary Project Updates & Insights) © Susan Elsa - Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official

THE MICHAEL JACKSON METAMORPHOSIS STORY (Documentary Project Updates & Insights) © Susan Elsa - Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official
THE MICHAEL JACKSON METAMORPHOSIS STORY (Documentary Project Updates & Insights) © Susan Elsa – Michael Jackson TwinFlame Soul Official


Dear Readers

This is just a detailed Note.

This is a small focus on one detail this time, showing you some insights into the ongoing Documentation and Preparation of the Personal Data behind this very unique, scientific approached Twin Soul Merging/Metamorphosis Documentary Film Project.

Michael Jackson’s plastic surgery stories, and rumours and tabloids, were a very heavy and permanent topic of discussion since the 1980s.

Little did people in the public, as well as many Fans too, know about the real and very spiritual, simple soul based reason for Michael’s changes, via very few plastic surgery, and mainly NATURAL as in the Vitiligo skin disorder forcing him to use make up and such.

For everything, there is a reason, and if you think scientifically, you have to wonder about the real, in depth reasons for all of this, plus, the very obsessive focus of the public, Hollywood and tabloids on Michael’s Face and Appearance, unlike with ANYONE ELSE in Hollywood.

If you take a close look at the 3 chosen and shown Photo parts above, showing the Chin and Lips area, you see that my Chin is naturally a bit longer, and we have the chin dimple running in our family very strongly from my Mother’s side.

Michael’s Photo in the middle shows his Chin before the plastic surgery performed on it, and the Photo of Michael on the very right side shows his Chin after he did surgery on it to make it look, quote “more Dirk Douglas style” and the chin dimple.

You do not have to think hard or guess or wonder, in order to now see our full truth.

Twin Souls are ONE SOUL, one and the same, and at the same time two different Beings in male and female sharing this same Soul. When I was born in 1982, Michael felt his Consciousness change, including his Body Consciousness and how he felt about DETAILS of his Looks.

It was a pure mystery to everyone, Fans, Friends and Family. No one could deliver yet any explanation for these things, and people would say things like “Oh Michael didn’t want to look like his Father so he did a lot of plastic surgery” – that is tabloid crap and NOT the real reason for such very personal Changes.

This is about inner Psyche, Emotions and SELF PERCEPTION. And these things changed profoundly for Michael after my Birth and Reincarnation on this Planet in 1982, because we are one and always have been connected.

Take a good look at the Photo provided and reflect on this truth.

Wishing you all a wonderful Weekend!

We’re sending out a Major Twin Soul Love Ray,

Susan Elsa & Michael Jackson in Spirit