How REAL Twin Soul Merging Cases LOOK LIKE: Michael Jackson´s physical Signs ©

Today comes a special message from Susan Elsa. Thank you for taking the time to read and please comment and share. Mystery Garden Web Team

Dear Readers

I am writing to you as a fellow Human Being, for support on protecting Michael Jackson´s Soul, my Twin. This is also important for me and my Survival, I do not want to end up like Michael, not able to sleep and tortured by jealousy and lies.

Let´s open this with Michael Jackson´s own words on how he was being lied about and his truth manipulated:

Thank you, MJ´s Soldiers of Love for putting this Video up, more People need to remember his Words!

“It’s a complete lie, why do people buy these papers? It’s not the truth I’m here to say. You know, don’t judge a person, do not pass judgement, unless you have talked to them one on one. I don’t care what the story is, do not judge them because it is a lie.”- Michael Jackson-

“Yeah, Wacko Jacko, where did that come from? Some English tabloid. I have a heart and I have feelings. I feel that when you do that to me. It’s not nice.”- Michael Jackson-

“I am bewildered at the length to which people will go to portray me so negatively,”- Michael Jackson-

“I just need you to know that this is very important what we are fighting for because I am tired really really tired of all the manipulations. I am tired of how the press is manipulating everything …of this situation, they do not tell the truth… they lie….All got to remember something …the minute I started breaking the all times records record sales, I broke all time records, I broke Elvis’s records, I broke Beatle’s records…the minute I made the all time best selling albums in the history of world records…overnight they call me a freak, they called me a homosexual, they called me a child molester, they said I tried to bleach my skin…they said everything to turn the public against me…this all complete complete conspiracy, you have to know this…I KNOW MY RACE, I just look in the mirror I know I’m black …”– Michael Jackson in his own Words-

Michael was in a particular Battle, and it did surely not begin at the time of his passing. I am not surprised they do not want this all out, I announced weeks ago that they will attack me maybe now too for speaking up for Michael and his Innocence, so now, some People feel like they should in fact attack me online, same style like Michael experienced. If this is what it takes to bring truth out and get a big Change finally to happen, then so it is.

It seems quite “popular” now for people, to be talking about Contact to Michael Jackson´s Spirit/Ghost. This has been happening, OF COURSE, since his Passing in 2009. Those people are sick in their heads, and some of them blatantly know they do not have any Contact but they claim it anyways for deceptive reasons and “using Michael” for their personal Agenda. Literally harassing his Soul during Ascension and even mocking when anyone says that he is the Archangel. Not very spiritual. He will show you the truth very soon. You have no idea what Michael is able of doing and making happen. No idea, you will be scared and shocked, just like he announced he would do if you try after his Death to do wrong things like that. He had premonitions about what is happening now. This below is HIS MESSAGE to the People who think this is okay, to “shake his family tree” and “shoot a knife in his back/heart” and try to take the place of his Twin Soul and be “half of him”. I have medical proof for identical symptoms in 2008, in only ONE HALF OF MY BODY. Try to defame this or imitate it and you will get sued, you demonic Liars. Listen to Michael´s own Words and stop mocking his “Ghost”, his Soul…stop making up Lies about me. Attacking Archangel Michael directly is never a good idea. Any sane spiritual person on the side of the Light and God will know this.

Michael Jackson´s Threatened Message: Twin Soul attacked after his Death © Susan Elsa Facts
Michael Jackson´s Threatened Message: Twin Soul attacked after his Death © Susan Elsa Facts

My health problems and physically visible symptoms documented in medical Data in 2008, were focused in only the LEFT SIDE OF MY BODY, THE FULL LEFT SIDE OF MY BODY FROM TOE TO MY TONGUE. MJ Fans, remember Michael´s Skin Disorder and how they lied about it and mocked and harassed him over it. Please be aware, because they try to manipulate you into doing the same to me now, which is like spiritually speaking- they try to bring up against Michael. Remember his words and warnings about Show Business and more, please.

TWIN EYE: Susan Elsa Natural RIGHT EYE Cheek Mole in light round Form ©
TWIN EYE: Susan Elsa Natural RIGHT EYE Cheek Mole in light round Form ©
TWIN EYE: Michael Jackson Natural LEFT EYE Cheek Mole in light round Form ©
TWIN EYE: Michael Jackson Natural LEFT EYE Cheek Mole in light round Form ©

The Film Ghosts was not some fun made up idea only. Michael had that side in private and if you mock it, any of his friends and family will know you are not a good, well meaning person that knows anything. You can´t mock his public works and his message in them, and then pretend to care about the things “he cared about”. It is deeply connected with what he believed in and experienced, in private, as a Psychic and Intuitive. It is the identical same move like now, attacking ME and my spiritual work about ghost stories, when this is not made up fantasy, but stem from the deepest of my Soul and psychic Experiences.

I am asking you: Can you grab a Mic and channel Michael in any way on Stage, live? Can you? CAN YOU? If not, then shut up and get out of the way.

Take a look at SCIENCE. As a rule, if you did not see a medical Check Up Information that confirms first of all a HEALTHY INDIVIDUAL AND BRAIN– do not believe these delusional sick obsessed People. It is absolutely wrong to be abusing someone´s name after Passing, and to be then mocking other People and their Books online- just to cover up your Fraud, won´t help but makes Michael super angry at you trying to abuse his Twin Soul.

They are seriously disrespectful toward Michael´s very Soul. Talking away physical clear parallels and physical changes based on a real merging, a real Twin Soul Merging Metamorphose.

I NEVER CLICKED on any of those People´s Blogs (and that is provable via Browser Data etc.), Videos or News. It is SPIRITUALLY HARASSING and feels like ENERGY STABS INTO MY HEART. Those people are doomed, especially this one sick Stalker and delusional fake “Michael Jackson Twin Flame/Soul” with her pretending in public to have such abilities as seeing or communicating with Souls. Then imitating 2 years later fake Message supposedly from Elizabeth Taylor, like the Information in my Book about her and other Contacts such as Elvis Presley, for which full Book was channeled in 2010. In the same breath this person harasses me with mocking a harassment that took place on FB before from an unknown Man toward me, which he tried to continue after I blocked him for linking together Isis ancient Egyptian Name written like a Name like that “Isis” and Terrorism, and this Guy ended up also trying to harass me with News Topics I don´t want to focus my pure mind on, trying to link himself to me and my things on FB, then posting SATANIC CHURCH LINKS and such evil things, then linking ancient Egyptian Isis and modern Terror which goes totally against Women and is dangerous, as if to make noise online and get me linked to these dangerous people to endanger my life as a Woman. This Blogger then came with a friend of hers, to add harassing further comments on something I thought is long deleted, but it was obviously still visible to them, this previous harassment continuation from this unknown guy online. This blogger thinks it is okay, to harass another woman over such a topic, she is not normal in her head.

Leave me alone with this, or the Police will put you in Prison, you racist dangerous Demons. I know I am Arab (Egyptian), it does not mean I want to publicly make any statement or have any attention from such dangerous people! If you try to link me to such for harassment, it is actually a felony at this point. Terrorism is no joke and not a game.They kidnap women! Those types of people have been a big problem for ARAB WOMEN & GIRLS long before anyone in the West started yelling about it. Leave me alone with this, and do not force me to make any more self defence comments online and in public, or next the Police will come in. Just because you are jealous over my Connection to Michael Jackson, does not mean you can endanger my life or try to. Also calling out anything about my private Address at the same time, you are with one foot already in Prison.

Open your Eyes, MJ Fans, and please report these people when you see them doing such activity, because I only get to see things by coincidence- TRYING to NOT ever see any of it, because it is harassing and I prefer to stay peaceful, enjoy a wonderful walk in the Forest, channel Songs with Michael, work on our Projects with secret Contents to also support his Family´s future and his Legacy. Creating. Healing. Ignoring bad things. That is what we do. I also surely cannot watch any News on Trials about his Death, it is too personal and can cause me a serious break down. I cannot handle it, energetically.

I cannot see any corpse pictures of Michael and do not want to and you can not force me and publish these things! He deserves Respect!

And then what?You want to laugh about my pain now? You think people will believe you, when you laugh about my sadness and pain and what happened to Michael? Or you think, using such words fakely, in front of people like a fake devil, will make them believe you and think, you mean well? While denying another person you don´t even know their human rights and work rights and copyrights, even physical and medical data rights? Man, this is sad, but expected, that people would try, especially from America, to mess with BLACK AFRO AMERICAN MICHAEL JACKSON´S Spiritual Information now too. Typical!

Imitating the background stories of a Psychic, to pretend suddenly to not only be Michael´s “twin” but now all of a sudden, to have the same psychic abilities, being a Medium for Souls ascending in general, Story Details like me and my Grandmother. Of course this is to imitate my other public Works, in Music and Channeling. Writing Books is only for educational reasons and those are small, simple side Books with special Reports, that is all.

Here is the one from Elvis, sent to Publishers in 2010,2011, written and with digital Evidence provable just like the Archangel Michael Wedding Book- in 2010!

This Video Slide Share is dated Dec 1st 2010 ©

<div style=”margin-bottom:5px”> <strong> <a href=”; title=”The Spiritual Side of Rock and Roll: Elvis Presley\’s Message from Heaven” target=”_blank”>The Spiritual Side of Rock and Roll: Elvis Presley\’s Message from Heaven</a> </strong> from <strong><a href=”; target=”_blank”>Susan Elsa</a></strong> </div>


I can digitally prove that I never clicked on this one defaming Person´s Blog and I had enough of the Cyberwar and Data abuses stolen from Switzerland, always abused in U.S.A., especially if this Person is from New York, we will add it into our Investigation. Enough is enough of this Garbage, you are so not going to publicly mock my Book and things in it such as the Death of my Grandmother and disabled sister Dalia ON THE SAME NIGHT NATURALLY- and 4 Months only before Michael´s Passing and my Trauma over it as a real Twin Soul.

Science evidence, life data facts, oh, protected copyrighted medical and science research Data from even before Michael passed, that is not to be imitated and “similar words and stories made up without any science or medical tests backup”- is not something that America or any American is allowed to do with European Citizen´s Data AND Legal Person, meaning COMPANY Data linked personally with the Owner of it. We will inform all of the EU if you do not stop this Data abuses and especially defamation online against the People who abuse Data from.

BRAND LOGO INFO © Susan Elsa Creations 2007-2008
BRAND LOGO INFO © Susan Elsa Creations 2007-2008
Michael Jackson This is it Inspiration Fashion Message about Future
Michael Jackson This is it Inspiration Fashion Message about Future ©
TV Interview 2009 with Susan Elsa on her researched Out of Body Experiences and Astral Travel ©
TV Interview 2009 with Susan Elsa on her researched Out of Body Experiences and Astral Travel ©
TV Interview 2009 with Susan Elsa on her researched Out of Body Experiences and Astral Travel ©
TV Interview 2009 with Susan Elsa on her researched Out of Body Experiences and Astral Travel ©
TV Interview 2009 with Susan Elsa on her researched Out of Body Experiences and Astral Travel ©
TV Interview 2009 with Susan Elsa on her researched Out of Body Experiences and Astral Travel ©
ORIGINAL MARCH 2010 ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ORB PICTURE SUSAN ELSA © Right after Michael´s Return to me in Spirit at a Waterfront Hotel in Venice, Italy
ORIGINAL MARCH 2010 ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ORB PICTURE SUSAN ELSA © Right after Michael Jackson´s Return to me in Spirit at a Waterfront Hotel in Venice, Italy- The Real Twin Soul Story Data
Osiris Michael Jackson: I RMEMBER by Susan Elsa- channeled throughout Egypt´s lands ©
Osiris Michael Jackson: I RMEMBER by Susan Elsa- channeled throughout Egypt´s lands ©
Susan Elsa in Egypt (NOV 2010): Healing Work with Michael for the Planet
Susan Elsa in Egypt (NOV 2010): Healing Twin Soul Work with Michael Jackson for the Planet ©
"I REMEMBER" Dec 2010 channeled Album- Susan Elsa DEBUT OF SPIRITUAL POP 777
“I REMEMBER” Dec 2010 channeled Album- Susan Elsa DEBUT OF SPIRITUAL POP 777 © A reply from SOUL TO SOUL between Lovers throughout Dimensions- the official answer to Michael Jackson´s REMEMBER THE TIME (Official Release Data used in 2012 by Bloggers, imitating it and linking their false Stories to Michael Jackson as well)


MJ Fans, please do not support these crazy Bloggers who go watching Court TV and literally on Twitter and such putting harassing comments to his Mother in public, about his Spirit being there and here next to his Mother, when Michael would NEVER want such a thing posted online publicly about his Mother, that he loves a lot and wants to protect. If you look, you will see I almost never mentioned his Mother or Children or Family, because those things do not belong on a Blog or Twitter. Only crazy People do that and think they can harass now his family too. Truth showing.

And remember that a real Twin Soul Merging is very challenging, it does increase your anger, love feelings, focus, knowledge, even my voice has changed and now I can intuitively switch into the MJ voice anytime for VOCALS WORK AND SINGING. Mocking this will only expose those frauds, who think it´s okay to abuse a deceased Person´s name and talk for their very Soul, while the real Twin Soul is still here trying to survive. Michael loved Music, Music & Me, remember? Michael lived for his Music, Singing is PART OF HIS SOUL. I had given it up, could not enjoy Music in general anymore shortly after he passed. HE gave me back the energy through channeling and our merging, to go forward. He insisted. I am a shy person, I have been holding back from publishing anything, for years. He knew how shy I am and would in L.A. always encourage me to believe in myself and try things, not think. Just do it.

To be trying to harass a Twin Soul Union does make you more angry, as it is a double increased anger and all emotions, than before a Merging. I do not read anything other´s teach, I keep it pure since I heard the term in English first anyways from Michael directly. He said that I am his Twin Soul and the “One”. He is very clear in what he says and wants and dislikes lies, just like me. This is about truth and ONLY truth. This is also reaching into truth about History Books and World History, Spiritual History of many Cultures, which has been stolen, corrupted, abused. All those things, Michael factually cares about and it is part of wanting to help innocent Human Beings to have fair access to the truth and learning!

This is about my Soul! I don´t care if you think I am “so angry” and “so emotional”, that is how it is if it any real. Don´t point at me, while abusing and stealing my Label Releases Stories and Concepts from 2010 and before! They even dare to “imitate big unique case words and keywords such as twin soul biology or talking about some physical changes happening to them, when there is no such things and I guarantee you any medical test/science experiment or any small research would instantly expose it. Don´t believe people´s WORDS AGAINST VISIBLE PROOF.

Twin Soul Metamorphosis Evidence Susan Elsa Michael Jackson © Personal Medical Data not for Re-Use or Imitation!
Twin Soul Metamorphosis Evidence Susan Elsa Michael Jackson © Personal Medical Data not for Re-Use or Imitation!

These people try to purposefully and fully conscious attack the TWIN SOUL BALANCE, in order to distract, hurt your Soul, and even mock Michael Jackson´s Human Rights Blog, which is not my Blog, it is a TEAM BLOG moderated by Partners and part of efforts to protect Michael Jackson´s Legacy and bring Justice to the matters he shared with me, and that are repeated right now as we speak on me- Spying, Lying, Data Abuses, Hacking etc…

Take a Look here on Evidence- public Records:


Do not judge before you have seen the full Truth or read the Book yourself. They are trying literally since Summer/Fall 2010 (!) to cover up anything I am, do, release, comment, or even talk on Skype in private.

Please understand why I had to do my duty and come forward now, speaking up for Michael, because this is not just for Michael, it is also for my own Survival Battle and I am protecting my own Soul here.

Have mercy on our Soul. These people don´t care about us or truth, or how Michael FEELS.

With all my Love,

Susan Elsa